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  1. Cierra111

    Howdy stranger ;D

    Howdy stranger ;D
  2. Cierra111

    The Eternal Mansion [Inactive]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  3. Cierra111

    Hogwarts: A New Start [Inactive]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  4. Cierra111

    Dragon Age : Origins - Epilogue Continued [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  5. Cierra111

    I'm.. in love with my best friend. [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  6. Cierra111

    Welcome to the Team!

    Name: Arianna "Ari" Grove Alias: Boots Gender: Female Alliance: (Good guys, bad guys, undecided.) Good guys (: Age: (13-21) 17 Abilities/Skills/Powers: She calls it the Ts. Telekinesis Teleportation Time Telepathy Weaknesses: She has each of the...
  7. Cierra111

    The Eternal Mansion [Inactive]

    Letting her bubbly walls down, she looks at him grimly and nods. Laying her hand on his, she looks at him seriously. "You know.. I think we all are. And part of me believes that some of us don't even know what happened in general..." sighing, she takes her hand off of his and looks down...
  8. Cierra111

    The Eternal Mansion [Inactive]

    Noting how Gale was also in the kitchen looking for whiskey, she ignored how Tony seemingly followed her, placing her hand on the open fridge, she faced him, "Have you seen the contents of this kitchen? It's stocked to the max!" she said with a slight giggle, closing the fridge, she went to the...
  9. Cierra111

    The Eternal Mansion [Inactive]

    Smiling at him softly, Skya looked down absentmindedly when he grabbed her hand sweeping her away. His hands seemed smoother than before and she supposed hers did too, it was like they was recreated in this place. She then started to doubt that the original mansion owner would be back. Looking...
  10. Cierra111

    ☼Summer at Camp Walla Walla☼ [Inactive]

    Biting her lip, Erica noted how the others still hadn't answered her. She looked around the muggy room, wishing she still had her guitar. They had been sitting here forever, when on Earth was the speech going to start?! Shifting in her seat, she glanced around uncomfortably, analyzing all of the...
  11. Cierra111

    The Eternal Mansion [Inactive]

    Hearing Tony she turned and frowned softly, noting how he was talking to the only other redhead in the room. Biting her lip, she knew she should be happy that he was awake, but.. he didn't necessarily have to flirt with the other girl. Grabbing her own arm, she noticed how the other girl seemed...
  12. Cierra111

    Realistic or Modern Welcome to the Team!

    So can you post a character sheet? Lol I'm into it.
  13. Cierra111


    Name- Akira Night Gender- Female Age- 17 Song to describe their personality- Little Lion Man ~ Tonight Alive version History- Growing up in the heart of the Revolution, she took on healing and was always a valuable asset to the drawing board as she is an excellent sniper and is...
  14. Cierra111

    Hogwarts: A New Start

    Cierra111 submitted a new role play. @Cierra111, please edit this post to include the sign-up information. Read more about this role play... This is where all the roles shall be posted!! Headmaster or Headmistress 1. Teachers! (Open til I think We've covered all of the subjects...
  15. Cierra111

    Hogwarts: A New Start

    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! Read more about this role play...
  16. Cierra111

    Hogwarts: A New Start [Inactive]

    Cierra111 submitted a new role play: Hogwarts: A New Start - Its time. September First has came and you are boarding the train to Hogwarts. :) Read more about this role play...
  17. Cierra111

    Percy Jackson: The Newest Tributes [Inactive]

    Liara Rose Hopping out of the showers, she dried off and started the process of brushing out her hair. It was getting exceptionally long now and should probably be cut soon. The steam in the air nearly clung to her as she began to put on a pair of shredded training shorts as well as her All...
  18. Cierra111

    The Eternal Mansion [Inactive]

    Prepared to answer Rick's question with a laugh, she was interrupted by two of them waking up, swiping her hair from her face, she jumped slightly as one of the girls woke up, then proceeded to fall from the couch they placed her on. Rushing over to her she helped her up laughing softly, "Took...
  19. Cierra111

    Disney University

    ...every little creature she can find on the beach or in aquariums. She is a sweet and bubbly girl, but can be a bit sassy and is forever a rebel. "F*ck the Police!" She is a hopeless romantic and has a bit of a flirty side to her, and man, does she like to smile! She is a caring girl that would...
  20. Cierra111

    The Eternal M ansion

    Yep lol Thats why Im ushering everyone to find their rooms and well, wake up for the most part!