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  1. Ulysseus

    Futuristic The Keepers: Unity [Two more writers Needed!]

    Ulysses stared at the pistol, raising an eyebrow in feigned surprise. "Really, Jack? You actually are threatening me? You never listen, do you? You wouldn't kill me." A light tone sounded in Ulysses' pocket, buzzing from his pocket watch. Then, the room shook and gravity shifted for a moment to...
  2. Ulysseus

    Futuristic The Keepers: Unity [Two more writers Needed!]

    "You told me once that you would rather die a free man than live as a slave. What made you want to live like this?" Ulysses proceeded down the stairs of the catwalk, still keeping his distance. "Freedom. What a quaint idea. No, we're all slaves, Jack, even if we don't admit it. From the moment...
  3. Ulysseus

    Futuristic The Keepers: Unity [Two more writers Needed!]

    Ulysses looked down at Jack with slight grief and confusion written across his face. "Someday, you would have not won the battle, and perhaps that day may have not been today, but the Sirens will bring peace. I have assured certain securities for the select few, who will carry on the races...
  4. Ulysseus

    Futuristic The Keepers: Unity [Two more writers Needed!]

    Ulysses stepped out of the shadows, looking down from a catwalk above Jack. "Terrifying, aren't they?" Ulysses continued along the catwalk, overlooking a vast array of shrouded tanks. "You don't even know the half of it. I call them the Sirens; their actual name is nearly incommunicable by our...
  5. Ulysseus

    Futuristic The Keepers: Unity [Two more writers Needed!]

    Ulysses stood in his lab, working on Kaero's corpse and one of Kaero's newly severed hands by applying a mossy substance to its palm. Then, the alarm suddenly went off. Looking up from the throbbing injection site in the hand at the video drone hovering above him, Ulysses quickly muttered, "end...
  6. Ulysseus

    Futuristic The Keepers: Unity [Two more writers Needed!]

    "You couldn't face us in person. You couldn't tell us what you're so afraid of. Something you're so afraid of, you had to kill someone and lock the rest of us up just to get away from. You're a coward. Taking a life is easy. I've spent years fighting everything that threatened us and I know...
  7. Ulysseus

    Futuristic The Keepers: Unity [Two more writers Needed!]

    Ulysses watched the Keepers board the large craft as an extensive array of soldiers escorted them to their narrow rooms. He disregarded Jack's last comment. As each Keeper stepped into their enclosure, a semi-transparent sheet descended behind them. The rooms were sparse, with a gray, opaque...
  8. Ulysseus

    Futuristic The Keepers: Unity [Two more writers Needed!]

    Ulysses nodded at Jack's proclamation, staring at the video feed. He leaned to a commander next to him in the hangar. "Don't restrain them, but we will still be placing them in their solitary, sealed quarters. Also, be ready to flood any room with sedative aerosols at my command. I don't want...
  9. Ulysseus

    Futuristic The Keepers: Unity [Two more writers Needed!]

    Ulysses stared at Kaero's dead corpse on the video monitor and twiddled his fingers on the desk. "Damn it." He closed the terminal and made his way along the hallways of the ship, stopping to look in on various officers and crewmen at their stations. Finally, he arrived in shuttle bay gamma...
  10. Ulysseus

    Futuristic The Keepers: Unity [Two more writers Needed!]

    Ulysses' screen flashed a pale red for a moment, as a text transmission scrolled onto the screen. Reading over it, Ulysses seemed to mumble into the empty air, taking care that no one was nearby, "Why? No. Why would you make me do this? They will cooperate. We have a deal." Another message...
  11. Ulysseus

    Futuristic The Keepers: Unity [Two more writers Needed!]

    Receiving no response, Ulysses silently coordinated three manned shuttles down from the Fury to pick up the surrounded Keepers. "No funny business, Keepers. The more you resist, the less comfortable you will be onboard."
  12. Ulysseus

    Futuristic The Keepers: Unity [Two more writers Needed!]

    Ulysses watched Caine rearm his rifle on the video feed, and frowned. "Mr. Caine, Keepers, please drop your weapons. You have three seconds, or I will make the ground where you stand a scorched cinder." @AACS @Anaxial @DJGomez @LesDom @JPax42
  13. Ulysseus

    Futuristic The Keepers: Unity [Two more writers Needed!]

    A large, triangular ship appeared opposite the Atlas, bearing the fresh letters OSS painted over the faded insignia of the OGA. All of its guns were aimed directly on the group of Keepers, maintaining a safe distance. Over the loud speaker, Ulysses' voice boomed electronically: "Keepers, all...
  14. Ulysseus

    Futuristic The Keepers: Unity [Two more writers Needed!]

    Finishing off his drink, Ulysses looked at the frazzled bunch, his face neutral and unperturbed by the situation. "I apologize, Jack. I've been dealing with this too slowly. You're right, the time for manners is indeed over. People like you and the members of your team, for better or for worse...
  15. Ulysseus

    Futuristic The Keepers: Unity [Two more writers Needed!]

    "And, a straight answer this time. I know you are known for telling the truth, but I want a full answer. No leaving things out. Tell us. Take your time, but within the next three and a half minutes." Ulysses stared back at Apollo, but soon looked down, taking another sip from his drink. "Please...
  16. Ulysseus

    Futuristic The Keepers: Unity [Two more writers Needed!]

    "I'm afraid that the answers to both of those questions are currently not in the cards. What I will say is this: I've invited you here to save you. Come away with me, all of you, and you will survive. I've been given certain assurances, and I've maintained certain securities of my own." Ulysses...
  17. Ulysseus

    Futuristic The Keepers: Unity [Two more writers Needed!]

    "You're the one to talk about change. You're exactly the same, Ody. Even your face. Someone's had a few enhancements. Cybernetics, I'm guessing. But how could a man get that kinda money and tech in hiding? You're just how I remember. Always planning something. Scheming. I know this day isn't...
  18. Ulysseus

    Futuristic The Keepers: Unity [Two more writers Needed!]

    "Cut the shit. If you set up a trail for us to follow, then you know we're not here for the food either. Tell me what the hell is going on." Ulysses stared intensely at Jack for a moment, and then broke into a smile. "You've barely changed, Jack. You're your same old stubborn and impatient self...
  19. Ulysseus

    Futuristic The Keepers: Unity [Two more writers Needed!]

    Ulysseus observed and studied the seating arrangement in the dining room from a nearby monitor in the kitchen, as he swapped out his purple bow tie for a silk, navy tie. Lining the tie up symmetrically, he placed warmed food onto multiple metal platters: salmon, various deep green salads, and...
  20. Ulysseus

    Futuristic The Keepers: Unity [Two more writers Needed!]

    Ulysses looked up from his book, finally setting it aside. "Sorry to keep you waiting; I wanted to finish the chapter. Jack, Apollo, other Keepers, please sit down and get yourselves comfortable. We will be eating dinner soon. Until then, be patient and do not be afraid." Ulysses left the room...