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  1. Tenebris

    Fantasy Daikan Dojo

    He'd start to jog around the dojo. He'd think nothing of it. He only had the blood of his kin on his mind. He'd slowly jog with the stones, able to go faster but he'd refused. He slowed, but then he'd arrive back to the place where he was sharpening his knife. Shikado put the stones down, and...
  2. Tenebris

    Fantasy Daikan Dojo

    He sharpened the small blade he'd kept in his jika-tabi. He had sharpened it for the past three nights, but he would entertain himself with it. He'd hum a catchy tune to calm himself. Shikado grabbed a small stick, and began sharpening the stick of wood. Every once in a while he'd look around...
  3. Tenebris

    Fantasy Daikan Dojo

    Shikado looked at the now opened door, and realized who had noticed him. He'd mumble under his breath. "Relying on the blood of another creature is a weakness, One i know well." He knew Gorou had heard him. Shikado wandered into his room, and picked up his Hakama. He'd head out into the...
  4. Tenebris

    Fantasy Daikan Dojo

    He'd smell a small hint of blood in the air. His eyes darted. He'd smelled that same metallic scent when his father had abused him. He'd stop meditating, and leave the Hakama where it was lying on the floor. He walked out into the courtyard, and saw a small amount of remaining blood. His armor...
  5. Tenebris

    Fantasy Daikan Dojo

    "Thank you." He bowed, then walked off to the living quarters. He walked into the small room. A small crash was heard, as he threw his bags to the ground. "I've finally found it..." He had said, making a slight rememberance of why he was here. He thought little of training, further prefering...
  6. Tenebris

    Fantasy Daikan Dojo

    "I wouldn't call anyone a master swordsman. You can never stop improving. I learned that for myself." He'd sigh. "I'm an Oni." He would straighten his posture. "Son of Tuirihn Nochiachi. You may have heard of him." His eyes would change out of their disguised form for a second, and back to their...
  7. Tenebris

    Fantasy Daikan Dojo

    He was woken up by an irritating knocking. "Get out now! Your purchased time is up!" The man yelled. "Must be the innkeeper." He thought. Shikado got up and put his disguise back on. "Be out in a minute sir!" Shikado yelled. He got up and walked out. He walked downstairs and ordered some fresh...
  8. Tenebris

    Fantasy Sword Hunters

    Anything is K for me.
  9. Tenebris

    Fantasy Sweet Revenge...or So I Thought....

    Welcome to the RP! Feel free join in whenever
  10. Tenebris

    Fantasy Sweet Revenge...or So I Thought....

    "I'm gonna be killed for this..." I thought to myself. "What's your......Mutation?"
  11. Tenebris

    Fantasy Rebellion

    Name: Ohm Appearance: (realistic image) Human form: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/S.jpg.8d2136d09ed4e524825c95b040ec9107.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97068"...
  12. Tenebris

    Fantasy Sweet Revenge...or So I Thought....

    He started tward the door again.
  13. Tenebris

    Fantasy Sweet Revenge...or So I Thought....

    "Let's walk then..." part of him was glad she came, But not quite sure why.
  14. Tenebris

    Fantasy Sweet Revenge...or So I Thought....

    i would sigh. "Would you rather walk, or take the truck?"
  15. Tenebris

    Fantasy Sweet Revenge...or So I Thought....

    "Why would you need to go there? That place is full of idiots who act like they know what they're doing. My father and I have both been through there for many years, Trust me, You do NOT want to go there." He'd notice her staring. "One mutant to another, You don't belong in there." He faltered a...
  16. Tenebris

    Fantasy Sweet Revenge...or So I Thought....

    "Listen here, girlie. I smelled you a mile away. You're a mutant just like I. You know it too. I'm not going back to the academy."
  17. Tenebris

    Fantasy Sweet Revenge...or So I Thought....

    I would sigh. "I'm not in the mood for autographs. Thanks for the support." He would start twards the door.
  18. Tenebris

    Fantasy Sweet Revenge...or So I Thought....

    "God damn 'razi." I paid the bartender. I noticed the new smell was becoming stronger. "I need to leave..." I thought to myself.
  19. Tenebris

    Fantasy Daikan Dojo

    He'd walk into the town of Inari. He was tired from the journey, and he was here for the roumored school. He was still disguised, and he wanted to keep it that way. He walked into the local Izakaya. He sat down and laid back for a second. He set down 3,000 yen, and ordered a large plate of...
  20. Tenebris

    Fantasy Sweet Revenge...or So I Thought....

    The reporters ran, and he took a swig of his whiskey.