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  1. SummerWolf

    Out of Soul Chat

    Fitness for Ozule as well. Not saying she'll be social, but heck, why not.
  2. SummerWolf

    Out of Soul Chat

    *Rolls about patiently watching the chaos unfold*
  3. SummerWolf

    Out of Soul Chat

    @Athena RN @QuirkyAngel @Hanarei -- Wasn't sure how many or which of the duck squad I needed to tag so I'm tagging all of you. I have finally finished my character Ozule Ibliski and she's good to go for examination whenever you guys get around to it. ^-^ Sorry it took so long.
  4. SummerWolf

    Out of Soul Chat

    I am definitely still interested in being a part of this roleplay. I know I've kind of have multiple streaks of not being around, but I hope to be able to stick around better this time. Jaiya just has a little bit left to finish... I think... I should have that done soon but.. if you happen to...
  5. SummerWolf

    Ozule Ibliski

    Full Name: Ozule Maaji Ibliski Codename: Jaybird Age: 17 Gender: Female NOT Class Meister ₪ Life is pain, Lifes not fair ₪DWMA Record Class: NOT | Type: Meister | Tenancy: First Year Ozule isn't the biggest, best fighter in the DWMA. She prefers to avoid fighting, despite her...
  6. SummerWolf

    Out of Soul Chat

    Op. ^^; I guess I could reply... -shrug- Soon.
  7. SummerWolf

    Out of Soul Chat

    *Casually chimes in with the characters in the dojo* Just a thought...
  8. SummerWolf

    Before the End of Summer Concert

    Kamryn Vessot Kamryn nodded in response to Jayce before he transformed, and her attention immediately swung to Lexie. She smiled gently to the weapon girl after she finished speaking, but shook her head. "I understand. You don't have to try if you don't feel up to transforming." She replied...
  9. SummerWolf

    Out of Soul Chat

    I plan to post tonight if I can. ^-^ If it doesn't happen, it'll have to wait another day or two, cause I'll probably be swamped with homework these next few days since I had to take a while off school for medical reasons and need to catch up.
  10. SummerWolf

    Out of Character Chat

    Sorry, I'm here... I can't post tonight... but probably tomorrow after I finish with the ACT aspire testing I've been getting ready to do. >.< 
  11. SummerWolf

    Out of Soul Chat

    I feel like that post could've been better... Oh well. >.<
  12. SummerWolf

    Before the End of Summer Concert

    Kamryn Vessot The seemingly empty athletic field was not as empty as it would seem upon closer inspection. In fact, if one bothered to get closer to the field surrounded by a track they would find a taller girl with light brown hair spread out on the grass as she lay on her back in...
  13. SummerWolf

    Out of Character Chat

    Well, Lucio welcome to chat at Galen if he wants, the old geezer would chat back, and I'll have Nessa wander over and help Lupo next time I post
  14. SummerWolf

    Out of Soul Chat

    Kamryn's CS has been salvaged so it can be read again, mostly cause I was getting tired of searching through the code to brush up on her. I'm still looking for her picture again... It disappeared into the unending mess of my computer files for character pictures... >.< I'll add that when I find...
  15. SummerWolf

    Kamryn Vessot

    Identification Given Name: "Why hello there! Pleased to meet you, whoever you are. Did you know that... Oh, wait, you just want my name? Well that's easy! It's Kamryn!" Surname: "I'm going to guess you don't want a fact this time either? I'm correct, aren't I? You just want my...
  16. SummerWolf

    Out of Soul Chat

    Is it a good idea to have Kamryn wander out to the Dojo as well? ^^ If not I'm just gonna throw her into a random spot for a while cause I gotta get back into the feel of her character anyway.
  17. SummerWolf

    IC Roleplay

    Tarika whined, and shifted closer into the much larger mass of fur that was the elder she'd fallen asleep tucked beside. The morning had come, and she could hear the other wolves outside of the den talking. She whined once more, and then got up onto her small legs, wobbly from sleep. "Galen...
  18. SummerWolf


    Name: Tarika Age: Pup Gender: Female Status: Pup Personality: {+Positive >Neutral -Negative} {Will probbly change a tad as she grows.} + Adventurous  Tarika is very much a lover of anything and everything exploring and adventure, though always within bounds. +...
  19. SummerWolf


    Name: Nessa Age: Young Adult Gender: Female Status: Epsilon Personality: {+Positive >Neutral -Negative} + Clever Nessa prides herself in being a smart young she-wolf, though she's not a genius. She's pretty good at solving problems creatively too. + Farsighted...
  20. SummerWolf


    I will be yes, plus one other not related to them, a pupper to be exact, if that's alright. I'll finish them tomorrow.