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  1. Gaitsulore

    Steampunk RP

    "Draken" Age: Unknown. Estimated to be in his late 20s Very little is known about Draken, his real name, his age, or even where he comes from. His exploits, however, are very well known. For many years, during the war, he was a vigilante, slipping in to rescue women unfortunate enough to...
  2. Gaitsulore

    A City at War

    Cliff was silent, the entire time. He let Alex speak his mind, and waited till he had said everything he needed before answering his questions and retorting against what he didn't agree with. "Mistakes? Hell yeah there were mistakes, yeah, both sides are not as clean as they claim to be. The...
  3. Gaitsulore

    A City at War

    Cliff heard what Alex said, and took in the news rather well, "Yeah, I always assumed Ruby would be with the Imperium, doesn't really surprise me. As for Morgan, she knew about our group, but I never had the....pleasure....of meeting her. All orders went through our leader." He didn't hide his...
  4. Gaitsulore

    A City at War

    Cliff motioned around the room, "Because right now, neither of us exist. As long as we are in this room, you and I are ghosts. The boss gave me permission to talk to you alone, with no-one else around. Your people don't know where you are." His face still had a rough look to it. "Besides, the...
  5. Gaitsulore

    A City at War

    Zeronus glared at the tv, the whole time sorting out his weapons. With Lex missing, his superiors were likely to think the worst of him in the current situations. He wasn't about to let his good friend's image fall into doubt. Flipping on his coat, grabbing his guns, and as many clips as he...
  6. Gaitsulore

    A City at War

    The rebels tried everything to get Alex to tell them everything they wanted to know. They started off with simple threats, however they didn't know enough about those he knew to really make any impact. They tried to beat what they wanted out of him, but he refused to sway. It was at this time...
  7. Gaitsulore

    CJ is working on our rp area, and is out of the continent, so I'm stuck with no-one to rp with...

    CJ is working on our rp area, and is out of the continent, so I'm stuck with no-one to rp with. Haven't heard back from Nihilistic in a while. Sooooooo, I'm going to start working on an rp request myself, and see what comes of it.
  8. Gaitsulore

    Video Games Your first video game?

    My first games I ever played alone was on the Nes. It was a baseball game, which I can't remember the name of. I can remember after playing that, I played Mario, and after that was Legend of Zelda.
  9. Gaitsulore


    Hello everyone. I am Gaitsu Lore. My friend, CJWrites invited me to join here, as I lack the skill to make my own forum without it looking like crap. I have loved RP ever since I was introduced to it in 2005. Some RP sites I've been a part of Dark Dusk: An RP site LOOSELY based on...
  10. Gaitsulore

    New here. Friend invited me. I've been RPing for close to 12 years, having started in High...

    New here. Friend invited me. I've been RPing for close to 12 years, having started in High school Freshman year. I'm decent as an RPer, consider myself very open to subjects, and can play the role of everything from a child to an elder, Male or Female, and can even portray animals in a semi...