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  1. Moonlight Sonata

    Pokemon RP Anyone~?

    It would be set in the PMD Universe, I'm looking for a team of four to take on the dangerous dungeons and fearsome foes! To venture into lands unknown and discover treasures unheard of! Rules: 1st Stage Evolution's only, that includes Pokemon with no evolution's. Our characters will not...
  2. Moonlight Sonata

    Pokemon Journey

    'I am sorry about your parents.' Arceus said in low voices. 'Your design was meant for other Pokemon, to help them and guide them to safety. You are a lone species but I did not anticipate humans. I cannot erase them, they are not creation, unlike you my child.' It chuckled at the wise words...
  3. Moonlight Sonata

    Aw man, I bloomin' love soundtracks.

    Aw man, I bloomin' love soundtracks.
  4. Moonlight Sonata


    Ah, I get it! So it's all going to go on there?
  5. Moonlight Sonata


    Ah, great. Oh I must confess I'm new here, what does PM RP mean? ^^
  6. Moonlight Sonata


    Great. ^^ Ah, yes shall we say best friends and slightly more for this RP? If you'd like to do it with me of course?
  7. Moonlight Sonata


    Hello, I'm interested in this! I do ship Sherlock and John, so yes, I like Slash. I do ship them in a cuddling kind of way rather than a 'saucy' way. Sherlock is asexual after all. This was posted a while ago, I do hope your still there. ^^
  8. Moonlight Sonata

    Pokemon Journey

    Arceus hummed again, its features dropping at the mention of humans again. 'I see, trainers. It has been centuries since I have seen one in person. I have watched this world but have had no contact.' He turned to the Absol. 'Tell me your story, who are you really?'
  9. Moonlight Sonata

    I was gone for two days and the entire site has been redone! It's really nice looking. :)

    I was gone for two days and the entire site has been redone! It's really nice looking. :)
  10. Moonlight Sonata

    Aannnnd good night folks~ Nice first day~ :)

    Aannnnd good night folks~ Nice first day~ :)
  11. Moonlight Sonata

    Pokemon Journey

    Arceus let out a long hum, drawing it out like it was a tune. 'No, there are no disasters, not natural at least. I cannot speak for the humans however.' It opted for sitting down, folding its legs as a Rapidash would. 'Such a strange species they are.' it mused. It did not create the humans but...
  12. Moonlight Sonata


    Oh, that's great thank you! :D Actually, I'm not familiar with American schools plus there's a lot of people on that thread, I think I need to get my bearings with the site before I rp with so many people but thank you anyway! ^^
  13. Moonlight Sonata


    Any kind of roleplay really. Slice of Life is nice because I already have some OC's but Fantasy and animals is really interesting. I'll rp anything to be honest. :)
  14. Moonlight Sonata


    Thank you! ^v^ Glad to see nice people here!
  15. Moonlight Sonata


    Ah, thank you very much! :D
  16. Moonlight Sonata

    Pokemon Journey

    Arceus raised it's chin. 'You have indeed heard of me my child. I am it that created you.' It's eyes narrowed at the suggestion. 'Come with me?' Then a small chuckle escaped it and it leaned down a again to meet the eyes of Shade with a kind gaze. 'My child, I cannot simply take you with me.'
  17. Moonlight Sonata


    Ah, I never really know what to type in these sort of things haha. Well, it says 'introductions' so I should start there. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Katie and I love to roleplay! I would very much like to become a writer one day and what better way to improve? Roleplaying forces...
  18. Moonlight Sonata

    Pokemon Journey

    Arceus' eyes closed for a second. 'I have been gone too long.' it muttered. Raising itself up and glaring down upon the Absol. 'I am Arceus, though I go by many a name. The Creator among humans and among your kind, I am known as your greatest ancestor.' It's twin voice echoed around, sending...
  19. Moonlight Sonata

    Pokemon Journey

    It had, however, noticed an Absol, it leaned down towards the Pokemon. 'What is your name?' It spoke in it's both male and female voices. The design of Absol was a curious one, destined to foretell natural disasters, their kind is usually unwelcome. There are few who take to them. The child...
  20. Moonlight Sonata

    You can be Absol! :D If you can carry on the thread incorporating your Absol into the story...

    You can be Absol! :D If you can carry on the thread incorporating your Absol into the story, that would be great! :)