Search results for query: *

  1. CitrineGalaxite

    Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

    "Yes! Now Please, for the love of all GODS, tell me what's happening!!!" She cried. The desperation is clear on her face as she looks to him. @Light
  2. CitrineGalaxite

    Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

    She begins to stomp her feet, "I did! I just wished to find out whats going on! Please please tell me! Expand my damn knowledge!!" You can almost see tears come to her eyes. @Light
  3. CitrineGalaxite

    Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

    She focuses on the card, and is teleported. She looks around, confused. "Is.. Is the world actually fucking with me right now? I wish I knew what was going on!!!" @Light
  4. CitrineGalaxite

    Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

    She looks at Grimm angrily. "Who are you and what are you doing? What test? I may be young but I've dropped out of school already. I don't need more tests." @Light
  5. CitrineGalaxite

    Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

    She turns around and glares at the man, her eyes piercing. "Look. I am already afraid of myself for more things than what just happened. There are better people than me out there. They can protect the children." She turns to walk away. "Anyway, I need to get out of here before I'm forcibly...
  6. CitrineGalaxite

    Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

    She blinks at the man, then quickly walks away. "Nope. Nope. Nope. I just managed almost 2 years without using powers and I just relapsed. I have to try it again. Nope. No. No. Bye. Sorry. Have a nice life!" @Light
  7. CitrineGalaxite

    Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

    She catches the rocket launcher, and looks very confused, but mostly frightened. "I-I can't do this?? What the fu-?! Oh no, Oh no..." She looks down at the body and then at the Reptiles everywhere. "Why the hell..?? God.." Suddenly, 2 large tendrils rip out of her back and slowly slither...
  8. CitrineGalaxite

    Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

    A young woman sits on a bench in a small cafe in France. As she reads a fashion magazine, she sips Orange Pekoe tea and nibbles on a carrot cake muffin, as though nothing else in the world exists.
  9. CitrineGalaxite

    Character Sheets

    Name: Eva Zula Age: 17 Gender: Girl Species: Witch Sexuality: Grey asexual panromantic Appearance: Personality: Wise and fun loving, but very messy and disorganized. Appears Clingy, prone to intense mood swings, sensitive. Powers : Eva uses tendrils from her back to fight, but...