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  1. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy {Private} Dark Zone

    WAH. Accepted lmao. Just need maybe one other then we can get a story goin'!
  2. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy {Private} Dark Zone

    @AntiSeptiplier, please edit this post to include the RP overview information.
  3. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy {Private} Dark Zone

    Talk about any out of rp stuff here lol
  4. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy {Private} Dark Zone

    Bio must have the following. Name Gender Species Age Height Looks Powers (if any) Mine. Name : Anti Gender : Female Species : A Godly Entity Age : Looks 20 but is over eighty years. Height : 5'11 Looks : Neon Green Hair And Eyes. Tan. Wears Half Black Top and Shorts...
  5. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy {Private} Dark Zone

    A'ight mates. I made this for me and a/some friend(s). Anyone can join but I prefer just my friends (sorry.) . Rules : 1- I guess I can allow cursing. 2- Use out of rp chat if you are not role-playing ,, duh. 3-make sure to make your bio mates. 4- follow rules 1 & 2 & 3.
  6. AntiSeptiplier

    Ifunny = _AntiSeptiplier_

    Ifunny = _AntiSeptiplier_
  7. AntiSeptiplier

    Being Rogue In A Dark Zone.

    Being Rogue In A Dark Zone.
  8. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy The Merging Of Worlds

    I do know you LIAR
  9. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy The Merging Of Worlds

    You're in lol
  10. AntiSeptiplier

    Powering Through Fallout 4 , Beaten Black Ops 3 Campaign On Realistic , Surviving On Kingdom.

    Powering Through Fallout 4 , Beaten Black Ops 3 Campaign On Realistic , Surviving On Kingdom.
  11. AntiSeptiplier

    Powering Through Fallout 4 , Beat Black Ops 3 Campaign on Realistic , Beating Players On Star...

    Powering Through Fallout 4 , Beat Black Ops 3 Campaign on Realistic , Beating Players On Star Wars Battlefront. No lie mate.
  12. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy Fallout roleplay

    ~Im using my character from Fallout 4 (cuz this is a fallout fan role-play) Name : Shards (Don't Ask.) Age : 25 Gender : Female Armor : Courser's Outfit , (Don't know true name .-.) and Assault Gas Mask. Weapon(s) : Assassin's 10mm Pistol (L.) , Institute Laser Rifle. Companion ...
  13. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy Fallout roleplay

    He's meh friend so Ima make his character sheet for him (He asked me to) :D ! ~~(One Character Only unless they died)~~ Name: Age: Gender: Weapon(s): Armor : Companion (Describe): (Optional) Looks : (Optional) Related To : If you play Fallout 4 and have legendary (put (L.)...
  14. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy The Merging Of Worlds

    Dam it Cj. You posted that a few minutes after I signed off. Lol.
  15. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy The Merging Of Worlds

    Kiki stood up. Her icy gaze looked at Siren. "I will avenge my brothers and sisters. I will set out at once to kill Kane." Her eyes darted to a case that had a rack inside that held ancient black armor. She smashed the case and took it. She put it on , a perfect fit. She saw the second silver...
  16. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy The Merging Of Worlds

    The clouds started to swirl overhead. Kane sighed. *Another merge and this early too...* She walked into town , still covered in blood , and went straight to the man. "Payment." The man was terrified of Kane and gave her the money. "Thank you. If any more monsters come up , find me." She said as...
  17. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy The Merging Of Worlds

    ...shifted back into human form and looked around. She smiled when she saw a silver sword hanging on the wall , protected by a glass case. She smashed the case and took the pure silver sword and headed back to town. *Kiki wasnt there...Maybe I was hearing things.* Kane sighed and continued to walk.
  18. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy The Merging Of Worlds

    Sure. :)
  19. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy The Merging Of Worlds

    Kiki screamed as they took her from Blank. *Is this when I die?* She started to cry. *Kane! Save me!* Her screams were muffled as one of the vampires took a rag and covered her mouth with it. Then Kiki felt a sharp pain on her neck. She thrashed against them. Eventually , Kiki blacked out. --...
  20. AntiSeptiplier

    Fantasy The Merging Of Worlds

    "A-Alright." Kiki went with Blank to the same house where the Vampire and Werewolves were fighting. They made it there before Kane.