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  1. SgtBeavis

    [Rise of the Runelords AE] The Swallowtail Festival

    Maedre thinks to himself that he really could have done better but in the end it doesn't really matter to him. He sees the boy being pulled away from the archery competition and follows the young boys to see what it so interesting.
  2. SgtBeavis

    [Rise of the Runelords AE] The Swallowtail Festival

    Maedre steps up to fire his weapon. He takes aim at the two medium targets, then two at the smallest and then lastly the large target closest to him, attempting a bulls eye for each shot.
  3. SgtBeavis

    [Rise of the Runelords AE] The Swallowtail Festival

    Maedre decides he wants to try his luck at the Archery contest to show off his skills. "Now this is going to be interesting." He says with a little too much excitement in his voice.
  4. SgtBeavis

    [Rise of the Runelords AE] The Swallowtail Festival

    "Alright then. Come find me later. I'll just be walking around." Maedre leaves to look around and see if anything interesting catches his eye.
  5. SgtBeavis

    [Rise of the Runelords AE] The Swallowtail Festival

    Maedre reaches out to shake the mans hand. "I'm Maedre. Nice to meet you."
  6. SgtBeavis

    [Rise of the Runelords AE] The Swallowtail Festival

    Maedre looks to his father after the speeches are done and says "I have to go for a bit dad but I'll be back. I was hired to be a body guard for someone here and I need to make sure she is alright." He looks at the kids and says with a smile "You two keep the old man here out of trouble." and...
  7. SgtBeavis

    [Rise of the Runelords AE] The Swallowtail Festival

    Maedre smiles at the kids. "Look at dad the big ol' soft heart. How long have they been here? And are they good workers like the girl said? Hard to believe a pair so small can help out." He watches the kids sword fight with their sticks for a moment while he waits for a response from his...
  8. SgtBeavis

    [Rise of the Runelords AE] The Swallowtail Festival

    Maedre joins Kaido in a long hug. "Hey dad it's good to see you again! So much has changed in this place since we left for Magnimar." He lets go of his father. "What all has happened since I've been away? This is a new addition." He looks at the kids "Who are they?" Maedre looks...
  9. SgtBeavis

    [Rise of the Runelords AE] The Swallowtail Festival

    Maedre noticed Auria stuffing her face once they arrived and told her that he would catch back up with her later, though he isn't sure if she heard him or not.. It has been five years since he's seen his father and would like to pay him a visit.
  10. SgtBeavis

    [Rise of the Runelords AE] Here Among Friends

    Fine by me
  11. SgtBeavis

    [Rise of the Runelords AE] Maedre Stat Roll Purchased List: Remaining GP: 170gp Leather Armor - 10gp, 15lbs Fighter Kit - 9gp, 29lbs Explorer’s Outfit - Free, 8lbs Arrows – 2 gp (40), 6lbs Blunt Arrows –...
  12. SgtBeavis

    Rise of the Runelords (Anniversary Edition) - Pathfinder RPG

    I'm interested. I have no experience with Pathfinder or the d20 system. Also fairly new to RP, I've played a bit of Exalted and do some RP in Final Fantasy XIV. I'm working on getting more experience.
  13. SgtBeavis

    Pathfinder Module or Path

    I'm interested in playing. I've never played Pathfinder but I can learn. This should be fun.