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  1. sleepontheCeiling

    Realistic or Modern All Aboard!

    Parker looked up as Urbano approached, and graciously accepted the champagne. He was still a bit sour from when the man left during his jokes, but the drink was a welcome peace offering. Glancing at both the men, he put on his lop-sided grin and accepted the invitation to the hot tub. Parker...
  2. sleepontheCeiling

    Fantasy Innocent Criminals

    Rai grinned confusedly, “Before he finds us? What does that mean? I know he’s a bad cook, but will he really force us to eat it?” She chuckled. She left the garage and found one of the bathrooms, quickly hopping into the shower. She stepped out a short while later, and wrapped a towel around...
  3. sleepontheCeiling

    Fantasy Innocent Criminals

    Rai caught the rest of what Lexi had said before drifting off, and she was deeply saddened for them and angry at the situation they were in. The strong urge to protect Lexi gripped her, and she would have hugged her if she wasn’t hooked up to a generator. Rai also felt a deep sadness for Victor...
  4. sleepontheCeiling

    Fantasy Innocent Criminals

    Rai’s eyes widened in horror when Lexi described what had happened to Victor. “Oh god, that sounds awful. Is he fully recovered, mentally, at least? Are you ok from that whole ordeal?” Asked Rai, concern thick in her voice. Rai thanked Lexi for showing her to the generator and sat down in...
  5. sleepontheCeiling

    Fantasy Innocent Criminals

    She furrowed her brows even more when she heard him talk about Mors like he was a dangerously powerful man. Rai didn’t think he was as sinister as Victor made him out to be. She listened anyways. “Oh hell, I was terrified. You’re a menacing sight when you’re barreling towards me at breakneck...
  6. sleepontheCeiling

    Fantasy Innocent Criminals

    “Oh, my name’s Rai...” She began, trailing off as her eyes followed to what had made Lexi begin to complain. She froze, it was the man who had nearly killed her... standing in just a towel. Rai was alarmed, then confused, then alarmed again as he sat next to her with a plate of food. Why is he...
  7. sleepontheCeiling

    Fantasy Innocent Criminals

    Rai smiled when Lexi had held the food up to her mouth to help her eat. Then she began chewing and immediately swallowed it down. “Lexi, this is delicious! Are you some sort of professional chef?” Rai exclaimed, enthusiasm shining through the exhaustion in her voice. She gained enough energy to...
  8. sleepontheCeiling

    Fantasy Innocent Criminals

    Rai looked up at Lexi when she offered her hand, and she looked and acted so sweet that Rai immediately smiled weakly in return and took her hand. She hoisted herself up with the help of Lexi, staggered back over to the couch, and fell unceremoniously onto the cushions. "Thank you Lexi, and...
  9. sleepontheCeiling

    Fantasy Innocent Criminals

    Rai's eyes had slowly opened. Now, instead of the cool floor of the van, she was wrapped in a blanket and laying on a couch. The aroma of chicken and lemon zest flooded her nostrils, and her stomach gurgled violently. She couldn't remember how long it had been since her last hot, home-cooked...
  10. sleepontheCeiling

    Fantasy Innocent Criminals

    Rai had mustered up all of her strength to resist when he had slung her over his shoulder, but all that she could manage were a few weak thumps of her shaking arms against his back. Her exhausted mind finally caught up to her body shortly, and she slumped onto his shoulder. She weakly turned her...
  11. sleepontheCeiling

    Fantasy Innocent Criminals

    Rai thought she had been victorious in somehow piercing his diamond hide, but that pride quickly turned when he grinned instead of crying out in pain. She tried to wrench the sword back, but to no avail, he had it in a lock-tight grip. As soon as he grabbed her shirt a jolt of fear shot through...
  12. sleepontheCeiling

    Fantasy Innocent Criminals

    Rai began to sidestep the punch as soon as she noticed the shift in his fighting stance, but she couldn't telegraph the punch soon enough. His fist connected with the top edge of the blade and rang out with an even more piercing metal sound. Her katana had bent slightly, and was now off-balance...
  13. sleepontheCeiling

    Fantasy Innocent Criminals

    She immediately ducked and rolled sideways beneath the hurtling hammer, her sword clipped the projectile and rang out with a loud metal sound. As soon as she got down, she realized that he had followed behind the hammer, and immediately pushed herself backwards, trying to get some space from the...
  14. sleepontheCeiling

    Fantasy Innocent Criminals

    Rai flashed a reassuring, confident smile at Mors, “Don’t worry about me. I promise I’ll live.” She turned to face Victor, her smile dropping quickly as he faced her head on, taunting and menacing. Her face twitched in agitation. A strong current now flowed through her arms, occasionally...
  15. sleepontheCeiling

    Fantasy Innocent Criminals

    Rai’s heart began pounding as she realized that this man wasn’t going to leave empty handed. She immediately knew what she had to do. On swift feet, she moved in front of Mors and unsheathed the katana he had given her, holding it in a defensive stance. She looked over her shoulder at Mors, “Go...
  16. sleepontheCeiling

    Fantasy Innocent Criminals

    Rai was confused when Mors grabbed her wrist, stopped her, and then cleaned her up and consoled her like a child. She was more insulted than confused as he was babying her, she thought she was handling that fight well. Her brow creased but she adamantly followed him, not missing the severe look...
  17. sleepontheCeiling

    Fantasy Innocent Criminals

    The punch landed square in her stomach, the only sound that escaped her throat was a grunt, followed by a wheeze. She fell back and slid several meters, unresponsive for a few seconds. When she raised her head, blood was dripping from her mouth. She stood shakily, her face resolute. Sparking...
  18. sleepontheCeiling

    Fantasy Innocent Criminals

    Rai yelled out in surprise when the energy redirected at her, but something flickered in the back of her mind and she held out her hands. The energy reabsorbed into her palms and pushed her back, the electricity had singed the cuffs of her sleeves. She flashed a toothy smile, “That’s a neat...
  19. sleepontheCeiling

    Fantasy Innocent Criminals OOC.

    @R.I.P yeah, that’s a cool idea. I think @Father Gascoigne and I are already kind of doing that. So we could all meet up at some point and join each other, or something like that. :)
  20. sleepontheCeiling

    Fantasy Innocent Criminals

    Rai listened to Mors, and let the electricity die down from angry sparks to a more controlled current across her arms instead. She focused as the man turned to diamond, and got down into a fighting crouch as he grabbed the massive hammer. As soon as he swung it to her head she ducked and rolled...