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  1. MuseTalk

    Tea, Coffee, Hot Cocoa and All Sorts of Hot Beverages.

    May I have some tea please? :)
  2. MuseTalk

    χαίρετε, citizens of this Nation! :)

    Wow, you've been to Greece?! I'm so frickin' jealous! I've only seen pictures of Greece :( And thank you very much for the welcome, it's good to be here! :)
  3. MuseTalk


    Hey, fellow newbie! Welcome :D
  4. MuseTalk

    Angel Is Here

    Welcome, fellow newbie :)
  5. MuseTalk

    Stuff Roleplayers Say

    "Does this eyepatch/facial scar/magical necklace make my character seem cliche?" or "Does this eyepatch/facial scar/magical necklace make my character seem unique enough?"
  6. MuseTalk

    Pokemon! Who's your favorite?

    My favorite pokemon is Torchic because its Pokedex entry word for word says: "Torchic has a place inside its body where it keeps its flame. Give it a hug - it will be glowing with warmth. This Pokémon is covered all over by a fluffy coat of down." It is a ginger fire bird, and I am a...
  7. MuseTalk

    χαίρετε, citizens of this Nation! :)

    Hello, everyone! In case you didn't know, "χαίρετε" is the way the Ancient Greeks (and modern Greeks too, I suppose) say "hello"! I absolutely love classical history and have taken classes in Ancient Greek, so I decided to throw that little buzzword in there :) Anyway, the Ancient Greek...