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  1. AspiringAuthor

    Fandom Looking For a Doctor Who Roleplay

    Howdy! I'm looking for somebody willing to roleplay Doctor Who with me. No specifications as to how long the responses will be or anything like that. If you want long responses feel free to let me know and I'll gladly put in the effort to do so. Attempts will be made to avoid one-liners...
  2. AspiringAuthor

    I've been rping for 5 years and I still have trouble understanding how actual actions happen...

    I've been rping for 5 years and I still have trouble understanding how actual actions happen. That's a tad unfortunate, but at least I have Jodie Whittaker to give me hope.
  3. AspiringAuthor

    Fandom Doctor Who RP?

    Hi! Are you still interested? I'm willing to play the Eleventh Doctor, among many other characters.