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  1. Avior Rose Nuvini

    ~Fairy Tail~

    Name:Cynthia De Wild' Age:16 Gender:Female Appearance: Guild:Fairy Tail Guild Rank: Mage Magic Ability:Portal Creation! Some capabilities of this power but not limited too are: Deflection by opening portals to redirect attacks back at the opponents. Summoning by opening portals...
  2. Avior Rose Nuvini

    Hello RpNation!

    Once again, hello!!! My name is Avior! Strange but its my name! My personal favorite type of role playing is magical/fantasy because magic is the best! I really don't mind to role play as anything, but I mainly role play as original characters. But once again, hello! Nice to meet you all! (Gosh...
  3. Avior Rose Nuvini

    Hi there, I don't know how to word this perfectly- well easily but I might as well say, I love...

    Hi there, I don't know how to word this perfectly- well easily but I might as well say, I love to rople play. So, won't you rp with me soon?