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  1. sceltae

    FOILS 2

    This wasn't fair. This was backwards. Yes, this wasn't the way things worked. Bruce was usually the silent one that made everything awkward on long car rides. He felt acid in his empty stomach. They hadn't eaten since breakfast, and now as the sun started to set, Angela should have been howling...
  2. sceltae

    FOILS 2

    (ok i actually have to go get ready for work now so do what you gotta do)
  3. sceltae

    FOILS 2

    "No time for that right now," said Banner, panicked. "Clint, it went bad over here, so we're coming back to the Facility. We're in the car right now. I- I meant to have this conversation in private. But the darn phone did something- augh. I'll call you at the next pit stop."
  4. sceltae

    FOILS 2

    (no it's through the bluetooth so they can only hear each other, not see each other.)
  5. sceltae

    FOILS 2

    (what you said sonds fine) Banner meant to have a private conversation with Mr. Barton, but the car accidentally picked up the frick-frack-snick-snack BlueTooth, and before he could say anything but "Wait, no-," Angela was greeting Clint with a hazy-sounding "Dad?", her dead eyes moving...
  6. sceltae

    FOILS 2

    My name is Bruce William Banner. I know how to speak several African languages. I can name every element on the periodic table, backwards. In Tony Stark's laboratory, I could split an atom if I so wanted. So, I know a lot of useless information and can do a lot of useless things. I do not know...
  7. sceltae

    FOILS 2

    How It Was Supposed To Go: Angela figured that Will's silence was just Will being Will, so she shook his arm, muttering about missing him. Missing the smell like a bad motor that always followed him mixed with eu de wet dog, an odor that sunk into her clothes as well. They didn't even OWN a...
  8. sceltae

    FOILS 2

    We're here. Angela opened the door. She left Banner behind because, well. what place did he have in here? her dad was in that bed. whatever place he thought he has assumed as a surrogate, he was wrong. will didn't move as angela approached. she couldnt even see him breathing under the...
  9. sceltae

    FOILS 2

    Mrs. Lecter was a tall, thin, skeptical woman, who didnt return Debra's smile. Those big, green eyes were not to be forgotten- that's what really made Debra sure that the little girl with the sad-looking uncle just had to be related. Debra led the way to Will's room, and Angela held her hand...
  10. sceltae

    FOILS 2

    Earlier Debra Brown. Debra Brown, the woman none of the male nurses gossiped about anymore, ever since she put the janitor out of commission for talking about where she must get her bras. Everybody's like, "Those nurses. So fragile. So pretty." Yeah, well. Ex-Janitor John doesn't seem to...
  11. sceltae

    FOILS 2

    Bruce and Angela got off the elevator. Every other light was on in the hallway, which was lined with doors marked with bronze numbers. It seemed empty except for them. Bruce couldn't hear anybody else breathing, but he couldn't see all the way down to the end. Angela just wasn't paying...
  12. sceltae

    FOILS 2

    Emma clicked-clicked-clicked her high heels away from the therapy room. She had heard Clint entering the room and console Ava, and she knew she would hear it later. But her job was almost done. She really thought she made a breakthrough. Ava herself had the seed of doubt in her mind. It would be...
  13. sceltae

    FOILS 2

    "That's the different between you and us," Emma said, formal, a little nastily. "That's why Clint's wrong when he think's you're human. That's why Angela's just proving that she's a stupid little girl when she ogles over you, like you're a sideshow attraction, someone worthy of an action figure...
  14. sceltae

    FOILS 2

    "At the core of you, you're the same. You're messed up, just like everyone else. About sixty percent of my patients have daddy issues." Emma was surprised at how brash she just made that sound. It didn't really bother her. It was just out of character for a therapist. She continued. "Everyone...
  15. sceltae

    FOILS 2

    Emma looked Ava in the eyes. "I don't treat you like my other patients, Ava. Do you know why?"
  16. sceltae

    FOILS 2

    Emma thought for a moment, then sat down right next to Ava. She put her hand on Ava's shoulder, and looked at her warmly. "Friends are people you give everything for," she said. "Friends can be people you've just met. Friends can be people you've known for years. Friends can be from high...
  17. sceltae

    FOILS 2

    ( I knew I was going to have work tonight. I could feel it. okay, I need to get off in like fourteen minutes.) Emma wanted to ball her fists up and yell. This wasn't apathy. This was an entire different level of phsycotic conditioning. "Do you have any friends, besides me and Bruce and Clint...
  18. sceltae

    FOILS 2

    "So." "So." Angela paused with one foot on the steps. Banner looked at the elevator, but Angela whined. "I wanna take the stairs," she insisted. "I'm an old man. I don't want to take the stairs." "Banner...." Banner hesitated, then drifted to the elevator, leaving her behind. He...
  19. sceltae

    FOILS 2

    Emma shook her head. 'We're testing your endurance levels now,' she thought.
  20. sceltae

    FOILS 2

    "Do you want to see this tape, Ava?" said Emma, waving it, teasing her. She crossed the room to put it in the TV. "I do. It's important to get through this. Too many repressed emotions aren't healthy." Emma put her hand on Ava's shoulder. "You think you're strong. But you don't have to be. We...