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  1. Futaba Sakura

    Fandom Looking for Fandoms

    Hee hee don't be sorry <3 I was pickin'. Though people scream 'overhyped' I still recommend you do so when you can! (Since you seem to be a fan of 3 and 4 ^^)
  2. Futaba Sakura

    Fandom Looking for Fandoms

    -feels alone in her p5 world. rip-
  3. Futaba Sakura

    Other Dead RPs, Dead RPs Everywhere

    All I tend to ask for is general grammar, some detail to respond to, creativity, and a heads up if they are bored, done, or going MIA for a bit. Inactivity happens unfortunately. I fight it with my fellow rprs all the time, but not once am I told that it's going to happen. I hate the...
  4. Futaba Sakura

    Persona Roleplayer~

    Sounds great! You may need to guide me here and there but that would be awesome to do and learn! I need to get passed this 10 post mark I think before I can do significant rp things first. I'm getting there!
  5. Futaba Sakura

    Experiences The shortest response I've seen?

    Well I guess I should count my blessings. For every short response I've received, these are worse. Though I often gete a good 2 paragraphs of graphic sexual detail that I did -not- ask for. Think I'd rather take one word responses at this point.
  6. Futaba Sakura

    Persona Roleplayer~

    Thank you! I'm quite excited to scour around and make some stories. I love almost all kinds of rp myself. Your list matches mine almost to a T, though I need to learn to get better at futuristic writing. That's a goal of mine! -Noms on a cookie in the corner.-
  7. Futaba Sakura

    Help I Am New and Pretty Stupid

    That intro link will help a lot. Also don't be scared to click around and read things. Nothing helps out more than experiencing things on your own. If you find you've typed up something that doesn't belong, deleting is an option. See what buttons do! Nothing self destructs... I'm ...pretty sure..
  8. Futaba Sakura

    Other What type of character do you usually play?

    Other than the obvious <--- I tend to create OC's of power and manipulation; a hard shell covering some deep seeded character development. Not necessarily 'evil', but dark and self centered. It has to be carefully done though, as I don't wish to scare potential writers away with how brash my...
  9. Futaba Sakura

    Persona Roleplayer~

    Thank you! I haven't been on forums in quite some time, so the guides and casual chat are extremely helpful. I'm excited for the discord!
  10. Futaba Sakura

    Persona Roleplayer~

    Hello! I don't get too fancy with Forum posts just yet, so forgive me. I have written since I was 5, roleplayed for over 10 years (with some breaks here and there) and I write for a living. Other than writing, I play video games and delve a little in music. I do not talk so much ooc unless...