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  1. Scrypt

    The Tables Have Turned [AbyssHarlequin & Scrypt private role-play]

    Gil listened to Dev, despite having his hands covering his ears, despite the overwhelming detachment from reality consuming him, despite the pain and confusion. He could still hear Dev. And it made everything just a little clearer. Why had he done this? Easy. He had done this for Dev. Not...
  2. Scrypt

    The Tables Have Turned [AbyssHarlequin & Scrypt private role-play]

    Gil let out a small sigh, his eyes barely opening as he tried to pinpoint whatever it was he'd just heard. Everything had been so drawn out, so white and empty for much too long. The words seemed to reveal themselves in slow motion, each barely making any sense until finally, by some miracle...
  3. Scrypt

    A World No Longer Ours (Scrypt)

    (I try to save the titles somewhere but, sometimes they don't make it on my list X3) Ki: "I think...there's a virtue in letting it hurt. Because we can't change what we are, but we don't have to accept it. If there's any way to save ourselves, I think it's in listening to our humanity. And...
  4. Scrypt

    A World No Longer Ours (Scrypt)

    (Oh I know that feeling I have books recommended to me all the time and if I don't buy them immediately, sometimes I'm left for months trying to remember the title.) Ki: I was surprised when the simulation stopped. I hadn't been able to judge exactly how hard I'd thrown the chair, just...
  5. Scrypt

    A World No Longer Ours (Scrypt)

    (That's so creative. How do people think of this stuff?) Ki: I sighed, acknowledging his words. This was my life, huh? Why exactly? My very own father had designed this fate for me right? Well that hurt. Just another ache in my chest. I don't know why I felt betrayed. As far as lives went...
  6. Scrypt

    A World No Longer Ours (Scrypt)

    (I can't decide if I want to read An Abundance of Katherines or Paper Towns after I read Will Grayson, Will Grayson. I'll probably read all of them eventually though. What trilogy is that?) Ki: I took in a breath, bending my arms and pushing up off of the chair to flip over the back, landing...
  7. Scrypt

    A World No Longer Ours (Scrypt)

    (I have Will Grayson, Will Grayson and Looking for Alaska, and of course The Fault In Our Stars, but I haven't had time to read any of them besides TFIOS. His writing is amazing and as soon as I finish the books of his that I have, I'll probably buy more. But it's because of TFIOS that I started...
  8. Scrypt

    A World No Longer Ours (Scrypt)

    (Oh that book, I'm currently reading that. I think it's already been spoiled for me /sigh But I love his reading so, gonna finish it anyway. After reading The Fault In Our Stars, he's become one of my favorite author's.) Ki: It took me moment to place Reese's voice again, but I did it in...
  9. Scrypt

    A World No Longer Ours (Scrypt)

    (Oh, what book? Sorry for falling off the face of the earth for a couple days. I just realized I had something to do, but I'm back now.) Ki: I obediently removed my headphones, leaving them hanging round my neck. The fullness of the sound made it all the more terrifying. I wanted it to...
  10. Scrypt

    A World No Longer Ours (Scrypt)

    Ki: I sat as instructed, though I was not happy about it. Fantastic, I thought, more death. Just what I need. I don't know why I was being sarcastic with myself; it was only more upsetting. I expected it was to be a sort of simulation where images formed a 360 degree view of a battlefield. I'd...
  11. Scrypt

    A World No Longer Ours (Scrypt)

    Ki: I glanced at Reese, placing my cracker's on the ground and sighing lightly as I moved to follow him. I wasn't up to doing anything. I wanted to just lay somewhere and close my eyes. Forever. I found no peace in existing anymore. It made me instead feel unrest. I had killed someone. There...
  12. Scrypt

    So my OCD finally couldn't handle the account setup alert thingy

    Yeah that can be overwhelming .~.
  13. Scrypt

    A World No Longer Ours (Scrypt)

    Ki: I was only pulled from the piano by a wave of exhaustion. It suddenly made trailing my fingers over the keys seem remarkably laborious. So, knowing I'd never be able to sleep, I wandered about the house, exploring every nook in cranny. There was an innumerable variety of rooms, some I...
  14. Scrypt

    So my OCD finally couldn't handle the account setup alert thingy

    Oh no not the alerts, those are fine. It was just a notice that kept popping up. I think they're called notices...? Anyway it's gone now thank the lord. And thank you for welcoming me. I do hope you're enjoying it yourself.
  15. Scrypt

    So my OCD finally couldn't handle the account setup alert thingy

    And if you read the title, that is why I made this. I don't know why I didn't introduce myself before. I just came here to rp and then it was like INTRODUCTIONS oh yeah not today just um...procrastination. So here this is. Please leave me alone alert thingy at the top of my page.
  16. Scrypt

    A World No Longer Ours (Scrypt)

    Ki: I glanced at Reese, nodding my acknowledgment and pond what I would do for three hours. I glanced at my pile of books. I was done with reading. I'd had enough of that for today. But there was my collection of Debussy's works lying temptingly on the top of the book pile. One of the few...
  17. Scrypt

    A World No Longer Ours (Scrypt)

    Ki: "I know," I murmured to myself, sighing. Could had been the key word in what I'd said. I could understand. But obviously he was averse to the idea, considering he rejected the possibility of me understanding. That was fine. I'd never been particularly fond of having people know me either...
  18. Scrypt

    A World No Longer Ours (Scrypt)

    (Alright.) Ki: I continued shaking, covering my mouth with my hands and shaking my head at his response. I wasn't complaining. I knew this was it. This was all I could hope for in life. And then it clicked in my head, what I had observed of Reese yesterday. He hated himself, but he kept on...
  19. Scrypt

    A World No Longer Ours (Scrypt)

    (I spent forever writing that o-o" I must have been typing two words per minute.) Ki: I knew I'd failed, for the most part. To whoever had given Reese the orders to tell me to kill the man, it was a partial failure. He was dead, I'd managed to do as much. But I'd lost it. It wasn't a clean...
  20. Scrypt

    A World No Longer Ours (Scrypt)

    Ki: Everything about Reese's words was unsettling. And they were supposed to be. This man could very well be off the streets. He had thoughts, feelings, dreams of his own. And I was supposed to end them. Slowly, not painlessly, and up-close. When strangling someone, it was difficult to ignore...