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  1. Hunter Clark

    Miskatonic Academy Side Episodes

    Not too long after they finished talking, Hunter dragged himself out of the bathroom. Though happy to see Lucy was still there, a cloud hung over him none the less. "Done," he said meekly, hardly looking at Skye as she approached I don't get why you're busying yourself fixing their problems,"'...
  2. Hunter Clark

    Miskatonic Academy Side Episodes

    Meanwhile, Paul stuffed his mouth to it's limits with small sausages at the buffet, his cheeks almost cartoonishly bulging. This was made all the more amusing due to the gaudy blonde wig that was on his head. Claude was is in a similar situation except the food wasn't his in the first place...
  3. Hunter Clark

    Miskatonic Academy Side Episodes

    Hunter glanced at the clock as he left his room, I'm late. Rushing to Lucy's room, he hoped she was waiting there and not at the dance. Paul leaned against a wall and sighed at the startling amount of trash that was beginning to pile up in the garbage bins as he watched a kid wearing a parrot...
  4. Hunter Clark

    Miskatonic Academy

    Although I posted in here previously, I honestly didn't know you guys hashed stuff out in here. Ha.
  5. Hunter Clark

    Miskatonic Academy Side Episodes

    It had been a good while since Hunter had been concussed. A nice couple days of rest, some apples (doctor recommended), and missing class allowed him to heal right up. Although, Hunter accredits painting and the vanilla tea Skye gave him for his rapid recovery. Today, October 28th, Hunter felt...
  6. Hunter Clark

    Realistic or Modern Miskatonic Academy Episode 01: Autumn Days, The Curtain Lifts

    Hunter awoke from his concussed state sometime later. He rolled his head over to look at his alarm clock on his bedstand and saw that it was 10:42. Damnit! I missed class again. Slowly at first, he began pulling himself out of bed. The dizziness still coming in waves when his head moved...
  7. Hunter Clark

    Realistic or Modern Miskatonic Academy Episode 01: Autumn Days, The Curtain Lifts

    After a long day of semi-fruitless people watching and skipping the vacuous beginnings of the school year, Hunter retired to his dorm room. He looked at the pile of dirty clothes on the floor, his open, vacant closet and realized he still hadn't done his laundry. Or cleaned for that matter. The...
  8. Hunter Clark

    Realistic or Modern Miskatonic Academy Episode 01: Autumn Days, The Curtain Lifts

    Hunter, having been at the school only a couple of years, already hated the usual first day non-academic lectures about rules. Today, he thought he'd enjoy the area around the school, sitting next to a tree and possibly napping. The air was crisp, but not too cold and he rather liked that...
  9. Hunter Clark

    Miskatonic Academy

    Question, did the homeroom bell ring for class to start? I can't read it all quickly enough.
  10. Hunter Clark

    Miskatonic Academy

    Name: Hunter Clark Age: 15 Gender: Male Occupation/Grade: 9th Grader Appearance: Fairly clean cut hairstyle (with a little top length) atop a rather plain face (medium nose, medium lips, brown eyes, brown hair, and a masculinity that befits his age). Hunter is mulatto, leaning more...