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  1. Corinne Skye

    Realistic or Modern Miskatonic Academy Episode 01: Autumn Days, The Curtain Lifts

    The cold wind blew across the rooftops and sent a chill down Bruce's back. He tugged his uniform back around before taking the cigarette out of his mouth and flicking the ash off. The leaves rustled beneath him, reminding him that he had yet to climb the trees, though climbing up the rain gutter...
  2. Corinne Skye

    Realistic or Modern Miskatonic Academy Episode 01: Autumn Days, The Curtain Lifts

    Around noon, a sudden wail pierced the stillness of Sentinel Hill. "HELP!" Claude, Michael and Meathead, having just exited Mabel's Marvelous Sandwhiches ran in the direction of the voice, takeout bags in hand (sandwhich in mouth in Claude's case). Across the shop's small parking lot, Taylor...
  3. Corinne Skye

    Realistic or Modern Miskatonic Academy Episode 01: Autumn Days, The Curtain Lifts

    Saturday, 5 November Foresight is what separated the successful from the poor. That’s what Taylor’s father had always taught her. If you failed to plan, then you planned to fail. She stepped out of the shower, scooping up the large, luxurious beach towel off the rack and wrapping it around...
  4. Corinne Skye

    Miskatonic Academy

    I believe it's just a nod to Lovecraft. TacitLaurel might correct me on that, though.
  5. Corinne Skye

    Realistic or Modern Miskatonic Academy Episode 01: Autumn Days, The Curtain Lifts

    Paul had finished hitting a few troublesome spots with his mop and began to drag his bucket and cart towards the club room to meet with the kids. He made a quick detour to the sign that the girl had been hanging from after a little bit of prodding on the sign, with the mop handle, he satisfied...
  6. Corinne Skye

    Realistic or Modern Miskatonic Academy Episode 01: Autumn Days, The Curtain Lifts

    While Claude spoke to Taylor, Skye tried to get Samantha's attention away from Samantha's rival. "Are you okay, Samantha? Um, I'm Skye, I'm a senior." "I-I'm okay now," Samantha said, her voice shaky. "But it was so scary and it hurt so much." "Why don't we go to the Volunteer Club's...
  7. Corinne Skye

    Miskatonic Academy Side Episodes

    The lights dimmed as the ball drew to a close. Slow music started to play as couples began to dance together. Outside, away from all this, Claude sat on the stairs, nursing a drink in one of his hands. A crisp breeze upset some leaves nearby. On a night like this, the moon and the stars were...
  8. Corinne Skye

    Miskatonic Academy Side Episodes

    Lucy froze in place as she saw the small kiss. It probably didn't mean anything, and it's not like they were in a relationship or anything, but all the same there was a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. Skye blinked. Why was an older girl kissing Hunter? She doubted it was physical...
  9. Corinne Skye

    Miskatonic Academy Side Episodes

    From behind Lucy, Skye's voice spoke up. "You look like you're having a good time! Hi, Lucy." [Arrr Matey] Grabbing one of the cards from earlier as she turned around Lucy thumbed through the rest before realizing there was no way what she wanted was in there. "I'm sorry, you were really...
  10. Corinne Skye

    Miskatonic Academy Side Episodes

    Skye knocked on the door to the clubroom, feeling faintly ridiculous running around campus in costume. Sure, it was the one night of the year when everyone ran around on campus in a costume, but... Skye had gone in search of Claude when he didn't show up to meet her before heading to the party...
  11. Corinne Skye

    Miskatonic Academy Side Episodes

    Time skip: Monday October 31, 8:00 pm I was working in the lab one night, when my eyes beheld, an eerie sight! For my monster from his slab, began to rise – and suddenly, to my surprise… Music wafted out from hidden speakers, flooding the ballroom with a comfortable volume. There were...
  12. Corinne Skye

    Miskatonic Academy Side Episodes

    Once the two younger classmen had gone, Skye blinked, holding up her thermos. "Oh!" "Oh?" Claude said in response to Skye's exclamation. "Hunter gave this back to me. There's something in it." She twisted open the cap, pulling a rolled paper out of it. She walked over to the table and...
  13. Corinne Skye

    Miskatonic Academy Side Episodes

    Skye held her salad closely as she slipped through the mass of students, lest someone bump into her and send it flying. She looked for Hunter, looking along the edges of the cafeteria for kids sitting alone. "Over here," Krause growled. "By the exit." Thanks, Krause. Skye walked over, making...
  14. Corinne Skye

    Realistic or Modern Miskatonic Academy Episode 01: Autumn Days, The Curtain Lifts

    "I just feel bad about it, Krause, that's all." On her desk, Skye cleared away her textbooks and papers, and instead ground willow bark in a spice grinder. She had already dissolved the vanilla, rosemary, and black cohosh in a small amount of alcohol, and now ground down the last ingredient...
  15. Corinne Skye

    Miskatonic Academy Side Episodes

    "So the last test is back and graded," Krause observed as he paced across Skye's small living room. In front of Skye, a series of papers were spread across her desk, a large A on each one. "As promised, you made straight As on every midterm this week." Skye felt conflicted. She was relieved, of...
  16. Corinne Skye

    Realistic or Modern Miskatonic Academy Episode 01: Autumn Days, The Curtain Lifts

    With a practiced, but half awake hand, Paul reached out and slapped his alarm several times until it eventually stopped it's screeching. He then sat up in bed and stretched his arms, popping his elbows as they strained. He stumbled out of bed half awake and poured himself a cup of coffee...
  17. Corinne Skye

    Realistic or Modern Miskatonic Academy Episode 01: Autumn Days, The Curtain Lifts

    Time skip: Late at night. "Wake up, Skye." Krause's low voice growled. "It's a little after midnight." Skye sat up, blinking away the vestiges of sleepiness. She had fallen asleep on her couch, and the TV in front of her was now playing a droning infomercial advertising The Time Ring by...
  18. Corinne Skye

    Realistic or Modern Miskatonic Academy Episode 01: Autumn Days, The Curtain Lifts

    It was well after the beginning of class, and Skye knocked on the classroom's closed door and waited patiently to be acknowledged before entering. "You're late, Ms. Skye," Mrs. Finch said. "Do you have a pass?" Inside, every student in the room looked up at the intrusion, and Skye shuffled...
  19. Corinne Skye

    Miskatonic Academy

    This is a work of historical fiction. It takes place in the same year George H. W. Bush was elected President. The word "genderfluid" has not even been invented yet - at the very least I could find no earlier reference to the word before the mid 2000s. So it's a perfectly valid question to ask...
  20. Corinne Skye

    Miskatonic Academy

    We skipped forward to during the first period class I believe. Edit: Additionally, I'm not sure what everyone prefers stylistically for occasions when dice rolls are needed, but this site allows you to make public dice rolls and link the individual results in the post. For now, it's been...