Search results for query: *

  1. Paul Grayson

    Realistic or Modern Miskatonic Academy Episode 01: Autumn Days, The Curtain Lifts

    Friday, 4th of November - after school Paul slipped through a back door with two duffel bags and locked it behind him, he walked slowly to the basement and unlocked it pulling the door behind him as quietly as he could. A quick twist of the lock and all was quiet again. Once inside the...
  2. Paul Grayson

    Realistic or Modern Miskatonic Academy Episode 01: Autumn Days, The Curtain Lifts

    Skye would not appreciate me using the various items I have in my pockets, so I have no choice but to talk to the she devil again. If only I could exorcise her, that would drastically lower the amount problems in my life. Claude thought as he walked towards Taylor. Taylor leaned forward as...
  3. Paul Grayson

    Realistic or Modern Miskatonic Academy Episode 01: Autumn Days, The Curtain Lifts

    A while later, Skye and Claude wandered the halls of the administration building, looking for any of the janitors. "I kinda wish I had some coffee right now," Skye said idly. "I usually get some from a cafe in Sentinel Hill right about now." "I have some tea back at the club room," Claude...
  4. Paul Grayson

    Miskatonic Academy

    Well, if the vast majority of people in a setting do not possess a particular trait, and you give your character that trait, would you not say that the trait was given to them to make them unique? For instance if 3/4's of the worlds population are red and 1/4 is blue, but your character is...
  5. Paul Grayson

    Miskatonic Academy

    No, he's saying that in the current setting, which is 1980's your character would be harassed constantly, the skin condition aside. The skin condition would also label you for harassment. Furthermore your character's mother couldn't have served in the military as you suggest or even in the...
  6. Paul Grayson

    Realistic or Modern Miskatonic Academy Episode 01: Autumn Days, The Curtain Lifts

    Paul lugged the bucket, now filled with a murky, dirt filled water, through the halls and out through a backdoor. With a glance around he reassured himself that there was nobody around. He quickly reached down and pulled the bucket off it's base, revealing a small magical sigil carved into...
  7. Paul Grayson

    Miskatonic Academy

    I should have some graph paper and I'll see if my scanner works. I also need to draw up my character sketch, which I guess also falls under the if my scanner works category. I'm not sure how much free time I"ll have today, but I'll take a crack at it later on in the day.
  8. Paul Grayson

    Realistic or Modern Miskatonic Academy Episode 01: Autumn Days, The Curtain Lifts

    "Well, yeah. You cram a bunch of kids in a confined area for 8 hours and you're gonna have accidents. Kids running through the halls and bouncing their noggins off the floor, kids jogging with scissors, the usual sort of thing. Also, keep your shoes on, you'll just get your socks dirty."...
  9. Paul Grayson

    Miskatonic Academy

    Well, we do currently have the TitanPad up, which could be used as a way to communicate dialog, at least until we manage to form enough posts to remove the restrictions on the new accounts. Personally, I've never done forum based RP, so I'm not sure what would work best. I tend to do off the...
  10. Paul Grayson

    Miskatonic Academy

    Some lore would be useful, maybe a bit more indepth then the overview. We should also probably try making a rough outline of the school's layout and the surrounding area, to aid with scene transitions. Like we can say, "The principal's office is two doors down on the left" Right now it's all...
  11. Paul Grayson

    Realistic or Modern Miskatonic Academy Episode 01: Autumn Days, The Curtain Lifts

    "Mind yer feet kid, the sign's up for a reason. I don't need any kids falling and cracking themselves open. They don't pay me enough to mop up blood anymore. If you're looking for the front office, which I can guess from your lack of uniform that you are, it's just down that main hall." Paul...
  12. Paul Grayson

    Realistic or Modern Miskatonic Academy Episode 01: Autumn Days, The Curtain Lifts

    The heavy clop of booted feet accompanied the squeak of a loose wheel on Paul's bucket as he stalked the halls of the school. He knew what was coming. It was the same thing that happened every year. Things broken, things spilled, stains made, and nobody ever cleaning up their own messes. On...
  13. Paul Grayson

    Miskatonic Academy

    I claim the second post in the name of Chaos and the Heresy of the Corpse God. Everyone knows that 2>1, so checkmate Emp.
  14. Paul Grayson

    Miskatonic Academy

    Name: Paul Grayson Age: 29 Gender: Male Occupation: Janitor/Handyman Appearance: A 5'10" man with a mess of dark hair, usually stuffed inside of a hat. An average build with a slight potbelly. He is frequently seen wearing one of several pairs of heavily stained coveralls...