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  • Users: Luda
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  1. Luda

    Fantasy Auribus Teneo Lupum

    • Patrick Choi • The absolute shriek that flew out of his mouth was undignified at best. The sound hurt his own ears, but he would gladly burst his own eardrums than face whatever this monster had in store for him now. Disbelief spun rapidly around his mind at the fact that he had just punched...
  2. Luda

    Fantasy Auribus Teneo Lupum

    Patrick managed to stagger to his feet. His eyes roved around desperately to try and find any sort of landmark or shadow among the fog. Nothing. No matter how hard he strained his already poor eyesight, there was nothing. The walls of mist obscured whatever might have been out there. Panic that...
  3. Luda

    Realistic or Modern Cigarettes and Coffee Kisses

    The rice was halfway through cooking when Emma heard her phone go off again. Quickly pulling it out, she absorbed what Santana had sent She had been in rehab before? Which, had apparently not helped her all that much. She set the phone to the side long enough for her start the chicken and turn...
  4. Luda

    Fantasy Auribus Teneo Lupum

    It wasn't that Patrick hated his life, necessarily. It was more of a....general distaste for his current predicament for the past four years. Even before he had been born, his parents had held high expectations for him. With his father an esteemed doctor and his mother a successful business...
  5. Luda

    Fantasy Auribus Teneo Lupum CS

    Name: Pattrick Choi Age: 21 Sex/Gender: Male/Male Height: 5'9" (175cm) Discription: Average height, Pattrick has dark, shoulder length hair and dark brown eyes. His build is on the thinner side, with no visible muscles. Personality: Sarcastic, loud, follower not a leader, likes to think he is...
  6. Luda

    Realistic or Modern Cigarettes and Coffee Kisses

    Emma had made it to her kitchen and was trying to decide on what to bring Santana for lunch when her phone dinged. Concern shot through her upon reading that the girl had fallen down the stairs. Before she could panic, she reasoned out that Santana couldn't be too hurt if she was able to text...
  7. Luda

    Realistic or Modern Cigarettes and Coffee Kisses

    Emma was in the midst of closing up the nursery. The doors had just been locked and secured shut. Her phone chimed at her as she moved the baby succulent pots under the sheltered part of the nursery. The forecast had called for thunderstorms later that night, and she didn't want to risk them...
  8. Luda

    Realistic or Modern Cigarettes and Coffee Kisses

    She said goodbye and quickly hurried out of the shop. The only silver lining to that awkward ending was that the shop had been almost empty, sparing her an audience. She climbed into her beat up car and twisted the ignition, breathing out a prayer of gratitude that it started on the first try...
  9. Luda

    Realistic or Modern Cigarettes and Coffee Kisses

    Emma was unable to keep shock off of her face that someone would just open up about having those problems, especially to someone that they had not known very long. A little uncomfortable but also relieve, she licked her lips and rubbed at her forehead. "Um, you're not a terrible person, first of...
  10. Luda

    Realistic or Modern Cigarettes and Coffee Kisses

    Emma immediately saw the hesitation on the other girl's face and felt her gut twist in disappointment. "It's okay!" She was quick to try and reassure Santana. "Don't worry about it. We can plan for another day, or I can come back tomorrow on break, if you still are okay with helping me." Digging...
  11. Luda

    Multiple Settings Searching for a partner

    I'm not entirely against forum rps. I've had a few people flake out on me before we even get the rp rolling, which is part of why I want to switch over to Discord for the most part. Buuuut....I'm a sucker for anyone who wants to rp with me, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'll shoot you a pm, and we can go from there
  12. Luda

    Multiple Settings Searching for a partner

    I'm looking for a person to rp with strictly through discord. It's a different style of rping that I would really like to try out and see if I can keep up with it easier than forum rping.
  13. Luda

    Realistic or Modern Cigarettes and Coffee Kisses

    Gasping a little dramatically, Emma clapped and pointed excitedly at Santana. "That is a brilliant idea! You're a genius!" Her professor might find it a bit of a flimsy excuse for a paper, but who honestly cared. As long as the paper was turned in, he couldn't say anything to her. "Do you want...
  14. Luda

    Fantasy F*ck This and F*ck You

    It wasn't that Patrick hated his life, necessarily. It was more of a....general distaste for his current predicament for the past four years. Even before he had been born, his parents had held high expectations for him. With his father an esteemed doctor and his mother a successful business...
  15. Luda

    Realistic or Modern Cigarettes and Coffee Kisses

    "Aw, thanks," she crooned with a playful wink and smile. "I'm just darling, I know." Emma tugged the laptop closer to type in her student password and get a closer look at her assignment for the week. The second skim of it wasn't any more promising than the first one. "Well, you must have the...
  16. Luda

    Realistic or Modern Cigarettes and Coffee Kisses

    "Great!" Emma grinned, taking her order and cheerfully picking a table in front of one of the windows. As she waiting for the other girl, she pulled her laptop out of her bag and set it up on the table. Although the table wasn't huge, she made sure to leave enough room for whatever Santana...
  17. Luda

    Realistic or Modern Cigarettes and Coffee Kisses

    She laughed and rolled her eyes. "Everybody misses me. I'm a god damn delight to be around." Her smile grew upon hearing that she helped brighten Santana's day. It was one of the best compliments she felt you could give a person, particularly someone who was practically a stranger. "Aw, that's...
  18. Luda

    Realistic or Modern Cigarettes and Coffee Kisses

    Emma spent the first hour of class dodging the accusatory looks her english professor kept shooting her way at any given opportunity. She knew she had a bad attendance record at the moment, and yeah, she had promised this specific teacher that she would get better about it. Her professor was a...
  19. Luda

    Multiple Settings Searching for a partner

    I'll send you a pm :) thank you for the interest
  20. Luda

    Realistic or Modern Cigarettes and Coffee Kisses

    "You're a wild child, Santana," she teased lightly, leaning against the counter a little bit. She watched her make the order, familiar with the steps even though she had never worked here. It was routine. The quiet sounds of people chatting and keyboards clacking away as people tried to finish...