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  1. Bookie

    Realistic or Modern Asylum BlackHill

    Hell was walking through the corridor, silently and carelessly. Her eyes were staring at the white floor that had to be wiped because of the ugly stained blood prints, and although she was drown by the magnificent smell of blood, she hated when the interior was dirty and untidy. Jeez, what does...
  2. Bookie

    Realistic or Modern Asylum BlackHill

    Hell Riverstone N A M E Hell Riverstone A G E  18 N I C K N A M E The Siren  L I K E S Anatomy, human flesh, psychology, people who understand her, compliments, people calling her a psychopath, singing D I S L I K E S Surprises, people saying she's...
  3. Bookie

    Realistic or Modern Northville High School

    PHEONIX FRANTA  "Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy." Pheonix muttered nervously as she entered, she gently pushed the big entrance door with her left hand while also trying to keep her heavy black-leathered backpack on her back. Just... don't attract too much attention. She thought, even though it...
  4. Bookie

    Realistic or Modern Northville High School

    N A M E  Pheonix Ann Franta A G E  17 G R A D E Junior P E R S O N A L I T Y  Pheonix is a stubborn and a rebellious weirdo. It's important for her that people hear her opinions and thoughts. She doesn't really get anyone close to her because of the fear of...
  5. Bookie

    *Waves awkwardly wondering why the hell I'm doing* Hey there.

    Yo yo, *waves awkwardly back*. 
  6. Bookie

    uh.. okay, let's do this.

    Hello, fellow roleplayers and uh... people.  I'm Bookie - or... Josie, however you'd like to call me. I am a freshman who's room is filled with books (duh) and likes to watch psychological movies every now an then - and by every now and then I mean every single day. So, if I didn't weird you...