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  1. maddie201

    Dark Guilds Rising: Fairy Tail Rp

    Major WIP Name: Nickname/Alias: Age: Rank: Guild: Fairy Tail Appearance: Magic (maximum of three but don't be OP): Personality: Bio (no unknown. Put a little bit of something.): Weapon?: Equipment: Anything else?:
  2. maddie201

    Fandom Dark Guilds Rising: Fairy Tail Rp

    is it too late to join? I signed up quite a while ago but have yet to understand how the website works and/or join a roleplay c:
  3. maddie201

    Imagine being your favorite anime character. (You could be your own charater)

    Done with my forms. Sorry it took so long! I forgot about this website and internet kept acting up when I remembered it and whatnot.
  4. maddie201

    The Misfits

    Bella- Full Name: Isabella Marie Tremont Nickname: Isabel, Ella, Bella, El, Bell, Izzy, Iz, she goes by many things. Age: 17 Gender: Girl Grade: Junior Personality: Bella is an independent strong survivalist, lethal, but good at thinking outside the box. Ella's past hardships have...
  5. maddie201

    Imagine being your favorite anime character. (You could be your own charater)

    I will be finishing my forms later
  6. maddie201

    Imagine being your favorite anime character. (You could be your own charater)

    I'm sorry I didn't finish sooner! I forgot all about this website Name of anime character: (it could be your OC or an actual one): Earl Ciel Phantomhive Appearance: Likes: Sweets, chess, some board games, Dislikes: Parties, bright colors, dancing, loosing, having to wear dresses...