Search results for query: *

  1. UndergroundElite

    Moving is hard :/ ..........

    Moving is hard :/ ..........
  2. UndergroundElite

    -Looking for semi-advanced+ partners :D-

    Cool :D pm me and we can start plotting!
  3. UndergroundElite

    -Looking for semi-advanced+ partners :D-

    I'm Underground Elite! You can call me Elite or if you find a good nickname for me you can call me that if you want! I personally have a lot of role play experience (around 7 years) and usually post 1-2 paragraphs per post, depending on the day. Since I usually post 1-2 paragraphs per...
  4. UndergroundElite

    Fandom UNDERTALE|simple little roleplay

    After a while Destiny had warmed herself enough with her own body heat to last a while. Her eyes were illuminating slightly less bright as she popped her head out of the crevice with her grey ears perked up hearing for sound. When she noticed no one was around, she squeezed herself out of the...
  5. UndergroundElite

    Fandom UNDERTALE|simple little roleplay

    "Oh-" Her paced slowed down and then completely stopped as she looked on past Roman. "-Okay." She seemed disheartened by the fact that he had left her hanging but watched him walk on anyway. So many questions filled her mind about this place. Her body shivered with the cold as she could almost...
  6. UndergroundElite

    Fandom UNDERTALE|simple little roleplay

    Destiny's ears went up at the word "monster". Was she really a monster? She lifted a paw and examined it, rough but yet was made of a textured surface. "Mo-monster as in a gruesome creature who is feared?" When she put her paw down again and looked up and noticed Roman was gone. She got to her...
  7. UndergroundElite

    Fandom UNDERTALE|simple little roleplay

    "Humans call us 'Turbos'." It was really all she could tell him and really all she new. She could hardly understood what humans said however, whenever they found them they kept saying that word over and over. Hence, that is what they assumed they were called. She shivered a bit as the air became...
  8. UndergroundElite

    Fandom UNDERTALE|simple little roleplay

    After a while Destiny lowered her wings and closed her jaw however, still let her tongue slip out of her mouth. She saw that he wouldn't be letting up any time soon. Her breathing slowed down from a quickened flight or fight pace to a next to normal breathing pace. Her eyes still tracked every...
  9. UndergroundElite

    Fandom UNDERTALE|simple little roleplay

    "You think a petty comment like that is going to calm me down?!" She hissed now spitting raising her ears up. Destiny could see her tactic was obviously not working although she didn't expect it to fully work. She expected him to back down or even walk away, often like the humans did. From what...
  10. UndergroundElite

    Fandom UNDERTALE|simple little roleplay

    Destiny's pupil less purple eyes wavered when Roman approached. Her natural instincts brought her to her paws and arched her gray back, small spikes protecting her spine spread out out of fright. Gray wing like appendages spread out to cover more area and look larger, a tactic most surface...
  11. UndergroundElite

    Fandom UNDERTALE|simple little roleplay

    From the top of the waterfall, a sound disturbance filled with area. It was followed by a white crest falling down the top of the waterfall. Destiny held out a paw with her webbed claws trying to catch a ledge. A current drug her down from the surface and as much as she could handle breathing...
  12. UndergroundElite

    Fandom UNDERTALE|simple little roleplay

    Yeah, I made the artwork myself :) scanned it in via printer. The image even got cut off tho xD
  13. UndergroundElite

    Fandom UNDERTALE|simple little roleplay

    name: Destiny age: 4 years (but can live past 15) gender: female species: Turbo sample rp: The water streaming past her skin as it was just a normal day as any other. One webbed paw in front of the other. Swim, swim. She looked to her left: her family, on her right: friends. All beating...