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  • Users: Kami
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  1. Kami

    A Future In Time (grey987 & Kami)

    "Well if we could find some sort of bus or train then we could make it just on time," She suggested, hurrying down the several floors of the old building with her friend. Considering there were already plenty of forms of fast transportation in cities in Skell's time, she knew there was something...
  2. Kami

    lmao nico is a gay baby

    lmao nico is a gay baby
  3. Kami

    A Future In Time (grey987 & Kami)

    "I'm confused about this too," Skell began, "Maybe there are people who know about the Travel Committee, and actively look for them in the red zones. Or maybe the red zones just have official people who are suspicious about everything. Or.. I don't know. There could be monsters there for all we...
  4. Kami

    A Future In Time (grey987 & Kami)

    "... I'm gonna kick your brother's ass when we get home," Skell laughed at Greg's remark, happy to hear that he was close behind. Everything was much less scary when he was with her. She then proceeded to open the door to the long-awaited Room 823. The handle clicked open, and the two close...
  5. Kami

    A Future In Time (grey987 & Kami)

    "No, it has to be here. It only makes sense.. We're in a building similar to the ones outside, considering our view outside is from up above," Skell began, "We have to look around here anyways. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty curious as to where we are right now. You can sit here and...
  6. Kami

    A Future In Time (grey987 & Kami)

    Where is the cube? After hearing Greg ask this, Skell asked herself the same question. The cube had to have "travelled" with them too, right? It had to be somewhere. She joined Greg in his frantic search for the odd machine, trying her hardest not to panic. There wasn't much furniture in...
  7. Kami

    A Future In Time (grey987 & Kami)

    She stood in shock, still staring out the window in the same spot. It was hard to fully process what was happening; what just happened. There were so many questions going through her mind all at once. Skell tried to play it cool, and not think too much about what happened. That was always her...
  8. Kami

    A Future In Time (grey987 & Kami)

    Skell had no idea how long she'd been unconscious for. Or that she had even been unconscious in the first place. All she knew was that when she opened her eyes, she wasn't in the same place, and it felt like she'd been knocked out for a while. Looking to her left, Greg was on the floor, still...
  9. Kami

    Ah yes. Sailor Neptune is bae.

    Ah yes. Sailor Neptune is bae.
  10. Kami

    A Future In Time (grey987 & Kami)

    Standing up, Skell realized something. If that machine-thing did work... what would happen afterwards? Going into the future.. or in the past.. was probably a really bad idea. What if they changed something that had a huge effect on the world? Didn't Todd think about that? What did he do in the...
  11. Kami

    A Future In Time (grey987 & Kami)

    Skell stood in her thinking stance, with her head resting on her hand, and her elbow supported by her other hand. She had no idea how this machine worked at all. Asking Todd was out of the question, considering if he knew they found this he would probably murder one of them. The instructions...
  12. Kami

    A Future In Time (grey987 & Kami)

    Skell opened up the journal to the first page. It was from three years ago. The first page was simply full of Todd's blabbering about school, and his friends. She didn't feel like reading his entire journal, as that would surely be a waste of her time. So she skimmed through it, looking for odd...
  13. Kami

    A Future In Time (grey987 & Kami)

    Relief washed over her as the box was closed, and she felt Greg's arms wrap around her. She hugged him back, and couldn't stop the tears from streaming down her face. Hearing his apology made her realize that he was only trying to help her. She couldn't be angry at him for that. Maybe she needed...
  14. Kami

    A Future In Time (grey987 & Kami)

    Skell stood up now, and glanced at Greg before looking inside of the box. As expected, there was a pile of some of his old clothes he wore. Skell picked up the pile, and moved it aside. They still smelled like her father. Memories began to come back into her mind from her childhood. Skell...
  15. Kami

    A Future In Time (grey987 & Kami)

    "I thought you of all people would understand best that we keep on running. We don't let anything bog us down and stop us from running." Skell could feel her insides beginning to feel empty already. She didn't turn around, only closed her eyes and leaned against the bookshelf for a moment. It...
  16. Kami

    A Future In Time (grey987 & Kami)

    Upon hearing Greg mention her dad, her smirk was immediately wiped from her face. He must have saw the box. She turned around, becoming angry now. Skell was so excited to look through Todd's old stuff, and Greg had to mention her dad. Why did he even want to look through that box? What does he...
  17. Kami

    A Future In Time (grey987 & Kami)

    Skell laughed at Greg's remark, her cheeks still flushed from before. "Todd and I were never close. Don't you see me splashing him in the face? I obviously wasn't willingly that close to him," She said, jokingly glaring at him. Looking at the photos now were becoming awkward, so she closed the...
  18. Kami

    A Future In Time (grey987 & Kami)

    Skell snickered, "Yeah." After skimming through a couple of photo albums, she found one that was full of pictures of her brother. Laughing to herself, she said, "Yeah, this really is junk." Skell moved the album onto her lap and slid towards Greg to show him. They laughed as they looked at the...
  19. Kami

    A Future In Time (grey987 & Kami)

    Skell closed the call, and browsed her phone while waiting for her friend. Time seemed to pass surprisingly quickly; Skell didn't even notice Greg until he was three feet away from her. Her eyes darted up towards Greg, and she put her phone back in her pocket, replacing it with one of the bags...
  20. Kami

    A Future In Time (grey987 & Kami)

    @Kami, please edit this post to include any OOC information.