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  1. H

    Party 9

    Aelar finishes his soup and starts to make his way upstairs to bed. It was a long day and he had to think about everything that had happened. It had only been one night since he was travelling with the Vistani, but so much had happened. Unfortunately he was no closer to finding out about the...
  2. H

    Party 9

    Aelar leaned in closely to listen to the tune. He enjoyed the tale although he didn't quite believe it. Tales are tales and stories are just stories. What are the chances any of this is true he thought to himself. "Hey.....where did you hear that story from?" Aelar drank more of his soup...
  3. H

    Party 9

    "Nice to meet you all" Aelar says as he sits in an empty chair at the table with the Vistani, " Mind if I sit?". "I travelled with Vadoma and their group for many days. They were very nice and inviting. I slept on top of one of their carts at night in exchange for my knowledge of the woods...
  4. H

    Party 9

    Aelar enters the tavern last and silently as if he was invisible from the heavy rain. As he crosses the threshold he wipes the rain off his mossy covered armor. He follows his companions over to the table of gypsys. His mind suddenly goes back to sitting in the grass during the sunrise with...
  5. H

    Party 9

    As Aelar passes through the gate he investigates the statue heads. His attempts to identify the type of moss growing on the stone were unsuccessful nonetheless. It was a strange moss and he couldn't tell either the type or the amount of time it had been growing there. He reaches down for a...
  6. H

    Party 9

    Aelar couldn't stop thinking about the wolves the others had killed in the woods. The life essence had been drained from a fellow innocent creature of the wilderness. Although he didn't approve of the killing of the wolves, he understood it. Civilized folk don't care about the forests. They...
  7. H

    Party 9

    The trap had worked as intended. The large werewolf was caught in it and Aelar began raining down arrows at him from his tree perch. After a while, he slung his bow across his back, swiftly climbed down from the tree, and grabbed his shortswords while running over to Davavor as he gets bit by...
  8. H

    Party 9

    Aelar looks at Davavar and agrees with the plan. "This is a good idea and I have just the thing". Aelar reaches in his pack and pulls out a metal box. The metal box is about 8 inches by 2 inches. The partially rusted metal on the outside of the box is mixed with a greenish color from the...
  9. H

    Party 9

    Aelar approaches the deer and kneels before it. "Not only wolves....but a werewolf as well." Aelar takes a moment while kneeling by the deer to show respect to one of the wild's creatures. He seems visibly upset that an animal was killed and not eaten. "We should follow these tracks. This...
  10. H

    Party 9

    Aelar walks to the front of the group and hands Lucan the 30 arrows that he has. "I would like these 30 arrows fitted with silver arrowheads if you don't mind. Also, here is a shortsword. I would like this silvered as well." Aelar then walks around the smith's shop curiously poking and...
  11. H

    Party 9

    Aelar followed the others into the building. He listens to what Eravien has to say and smiles. "No worries," he says to the group and Eravien "I will find the camp. North is enough information for me." Aelar watches the half-elf leave the guildhall and as the others turn to follow he stays...
  12. H

    Party 9

    Aelar looks around at the group. "My name is Aelar. I find werewolves a desecration to the natural world and all of the creatures that reside in it. I wish to kill as many as possible" Aelar wasn't so much worried about the werewolves terrorizing the town and taking the children, but he was...
  13. H

    Party 9

    Aelar glances at the card that Vadoma drew. He surely couldn't read the card, but he trusted her. He had been traveling with the Vistani for several weeks and enjoyed their company. They cherished the wilderness, as did he, and they knew how to take care of themselves. They weren't hopeless...
  14. H

    Party 9

    Aelar looks at the card intensly. He has not seen these cards up close before. He remembers many times that Vadoma had given fortunes to passing travelers before, but was never really interested in it. However, he got an eerie feeling when he saw the graveyard on the card. "It is not so...
  15. H

    Party 9

    Aelar wakes up to the sounds of the horses being fed by his fellow travelers. He stretches and rolls his bedroll up that was positioned in one of the empty carts. He decided to take his meditation starting later in the night since he wanted to come to when everyone else was waking up. He is...
  16. H

    Party 11

    Henjk stands at the door with his shield in his left arm pressed against it. He looks back at his party. It is almost like they expect the worst. The house has been silent for the most part, but they know there is a creature lurking somewhere. Henjk nods to Aramil and slowly pushes the...
  17. H

    Party 11

    Henjk looks around at the doors. "That beautiful. The craftsmanship is astounding." Henjk walks toward the armor to inspect it. It reminds him of his father's work. "Let's go in the door by the armor. Maybe there is more inside" He walks to the door and puts his ear against...
  18. H

    Party 11

    Henjk is in deep thought. The dumbwaiter. Gimbel. "Aramil, WAIT!" He grabs Aramil's arm before he climbs the stairs. "The third floor is the only place that we have not checked. I have a sneaking suspicion that whatever is in this house, is up there. I have an idea that might allow us to...
  19. H

    Party 11

    Henjk looks at the others and gasps. He had heard about and read about secret passages and doors, but never thought he would experience one up close and personal. He was very reluctant, but at the same time excited to see what was in the narrow passage.
  20. H

    Party 11

    Henjk looks at Gimbel and smirks. "Ah Gimbel some love to remember their hunt." Henjk props up Gimbel and brushes the dust off him. " Don't be so dramatic, let's see what else is here".