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  1. TangledVines


    Hahaha, well tell Lucy that she's welcome! They have lovely names, too!
  2. TangledVines


    Oh my goodness, they're beautiful! What are their names?
  3. TangledVines


    @Aline It's okay, I just learned about that myself. We'll talk soon after we can both send messages! Haha, thank you! My mother is the one who named her, because one day she thought about a Mazzy Star song she wanted me to hear, then decided Mazzy was the perfect name for the dog. It really...
  4. TangledVines

    Hi there!

    Hi! I'm new here as well, and definitely understand the not being good at talking about yourself bit; I'm really not good at it either. ("About Me" sections are one of the things I dislike most on any website, honestly) Here's hoping we both enjoy this site! :)
  5. TangledVines


    @Quiet Is Violent Oh I see! In which case, nice to meet you, Weeb! Acting class sounds fun, I never had the pleasure of taking one though. What was it like?
  6. TangledVines


    Hello! Welcome to RpNation! I'm new here as well, after having been on some other RP forums in the past. I've also tried chatroom RPs before, but personally, I didn't enjoy that as much as being on a forum and being able to post longer, more detailed replies. So after someone recommended this...
  7. TangledVines


    @Aline Oh my goodness, Jacks is such a cutie!! How old is he? From what I can tell, he looks pretty young! My dog's name is Mazzy--she's a shih tzu/maltese mix, and going on two years old now! Haha, I understand that. I always liked dogs, but it escalated quickly after I got one of my own...
  8. TangledVines


    @Aline That's very smart! A good adviser is one of your greatest assets in your college career, because it can be very confusing to try and figure out on your own. It's also wise because drifting through college blindly can quickly become a waste of time, energy, and money. If you keep your...
  9. TangledVines


    @beforethestormawakes Oh yeah. Hello strange person I've never met before. ;D
  10. TangledVines


    @Aline Thank you again, and welcome to you as well! I hope we can be friends too! I'm quite easy-going myself, so I'm not terribly hard to get along with, haha. And anyone who shares huskies is good in my book! That's an adorable puppy, oh my gosh!! I think it only attached as a file...
  11. TangledVines


    @Aline I had no idea tagging people was an option! I'm so out of the loop as far as that kind of thing goes, haha... You're welcome, and thank you as well! Business is a super versatile major as well; that can get you a lot of places, and teaches you some valuable skills. I was an accounting...
  12. TangledVines


    Hi, it's nice to meet you! I'm new here as well, but I've been RPing on and off since 2008(-ish...I've forgotten exactly what year it was). I'm also a community college student (English and Mass Communication), and wish you a lot of luck in that area! It's not so bad once you get in the swing...
  13. TangledVines


    Hi, everyone! I'm new to this particular forum, but I have been on several roleplay forums before. I hope to meet new people and join a few roleplays soon! I've been roleplaying since 2008 or so, but it's been in blocks of time rather than a consistent flow. Life happens and kind of slows...