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  1. Fenrisianbrony

    Bastil Castle (mlp) [Inactive]

    Awesome. I'll join in when everyone gets back on
  2. Fenrisianbrony

    Bastil Castle (mlp) [Inactive]

    (Damn, I hate when I miss the notifications about this stuff. :sorry: Anyway, should I turn up after the time skip?)
  3. Fenrisianbrony

    U.P.M.C. Ferrum [Inactive]

    "Captain? Come in. Greg and I have got back from deck 3, no signs of bombs or people," Alaric sighed, leaning against a wall and glaring at Dusk as he was looked over by the doc. "How's your work going on the escape pods? The suit said something about having one ready for launch. How copy, over."
  4. Fenrisianbrony

    U.P.M.C. Ferrum [Inactive]

    Alaric strode onto deck 9, removing his helmet and taking a deep non-filtered breath as he tore his helmet from his head. Making his way through the airless and either zero-gravity or high-gravity parts of the ship had not been pleasant, but at least he was back now, that had to count for...
  5. Fenrisianbrony

    U.P.M.C. Ferrum [Inactive]

    "Dusk, when I get back down there, you and I are going to have a chat about this," Alaric snapped over the radio, before turning back to Greg, dropping to a knee, before forcing himself back up to his feet. "Come on, gravity's getting stronger, I really don't want to be crushed by my own suit."
  6. Fenrisianbrony

    U.P.M.C. Ferrum [Inactive]

    Alaric slowly scanned the hanger, sweeping his rifle from side to side as he took in everything there was. According to Dusk, there was supposed to be both a nuclear device and a person here, and yet there was no source of radiation anywhere near him, and no movement or heat signatures to speak...
  7. Fenrisianbrony

    U.P.M.C. Ferrum [Inactive]

    "Agreed," Alaric nodded, approaching the hanger bay. "Once we stop the imminent danger, we can begin repairs to the rest of the ship to restore some semblance of functionality. Like the Captain says, keep it quiet and don't scare the rest of the rabbits on the crew." Alaric sighed, reaching...
  8. Fenrisianbrony

    U.P.M.C. Ferrum

    Let's try and steer it towards that then.
  9. Fenrisianbrony

    U.P.M.C. Ferrum

    Maybe one we find it to be false, the characters lose faith in the scientists and engineers, as they are perceived to just be fear-mongering. We could always have it be just a transmitter if we really want it to be sabotage, but I prefer the whole freak accident vide rather than the people are...
  10. Fenrisianbrony

    U.P.M.C. Ferrum

    That's an awesome idea. Don't know what we're going to do with this nuclear bomb thing though.
  11. Fenrisianbrony

    U.P.M.C. Ferrum

    I think comms should die, but not internal, and we should have a possible way to repair the engines, but not for a long time. Pretty much anything that will force the crew to stop and rest, while contemplating their situation. Like you said though, we need to just role with each others ideas.
  12. Fenrisianbrony

    U.P.M.C. Ferrum [Inactive]

    "You couldn't have predicted this captain," Alaric assumed him, before beginning to slowly work towards the third deck. "Being in means that you sometimes have to accept loses. It's hard, but we have to learn to accept them, especially when it's not your fault. Still, maybe we can...
  13. Fenrisianbrony

    U.P.M.C. Ferrum

    I thought it could be quite fun if we sort out the ship, stabilize it, but are still stranded, then we see how people react to prolonged periods of being on small rations and stuck in a confined space. I see violence brewing between the crew members, unless we get attacked by pirates at some point.
  14. Fenrisianbrony

    U.P.M.C. Ferrum [Inactive]

    "You don't have to be out here captain," Alaric said softly, walking towards the captain and quickly checking over his suit to ensure that everything was working properly. "Seeing your ship in this state can't be easy. And Greg, Captain, if there is any fighting, you let me go first. Ok?"
  15. Fenrisianbrony

    U.P.M.C. Ferrum [Inactive]

    "Good to see you here," Alaric nodded, making his way towards Greg. He had done EVA walks before countless times, and had even been involved in a few firefights while space walking, but he'd never quite gotten used to the feeling of complete weightlessness. Scanning around, he took in the...
  16. Fenrisianbrony

    U.P.M.C. Ferrum [Inactive]

    "Sir, we may not have time to think on it," Alaric sighed, taking another step forward. "But if you want to wait, then I'll wait sir. i just pray that we won't regret it."
  17. Fenrisianbrony

    U.P.M.C. Ferrum [Inactive]

    "I'm by an airlock on deck 7," Alaric reported. "Mag-boots are activated, and oxygen levels are reading nominal. I'll see you on the exterior hull." With that, Alaric reached up and pulled a heavy lever above his head, the door behind him sliding shut instantly. Stand by, depressurization in...
  18. Fenrisianbrony

    U.P.M.C. Ferrum [Inactive]

    "This is Alaric, comm channel is a bit shaky but holding fine," Alaric replied. "I'm heading to deck three, although if we're on a time limit, I don't know how quickly I'll be able to get there. May have to go EVA to reach the dock."
  19. Fenrisianbrony

    U.P.M.C. Ferrum [Inactive]

    "You heard the captain, converge on deck 3 and pray that this thing isn't what we think it is," Alaric agreed. "Captain, I need your authorization to activate the ships blastdoors. It will seal the ship and give us a better chance of riding stuff out, but I can't vouch for their ability to open...
  20. Fenrisianbrony

    U.P.M.C. Ferrum

    Alaric's current mindset: "F*ck my life this day just keeps getting worse and worse. I need a drink again."