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  1. CamilleEndora

    Fantasy Husks RP

    Amaya heard footsteps approach her small home and her body tensed for a moment. She silently went in through the back door when a hard knocking could be heard from the front, followed by "Good evening, I hate to bother you on this seemingly calm night. But there's a situation at hand I think you...
  2. CamilleEndora

    Fantasy Husks RP

    Amaya was nearing her home slowly, the loud sound of waves still prominent in her ears. She finally approached her home, heading around to the back of the house which faced the sea. Her eyes narrowed slightly at several dark shapes upon the water. Pirates weren't uncommon here, but she never...
  3. CamilleEndora

    Fantasy Husks RP

    Silently, Amaya stood and stretched out her limbs, gazing around at the now empty square. It was rather dark, and she figured it was about time to eat, so began her quiet journey home. Her house sat directly on the edge of the ocean, with the exception of the beach. She loved it, and wouldn't...
  4. CamilleEndora

    Fantasy Husks RP

    Amaya sat cross legged on the cobble stone ground with her back against a cement wall, peering out at the passerbys. She people watched a lot, looking at their attire and their way of holding themselves, wondering what they were like. She was often alone, not really think much of it, and rarely...
  5. CamilleEndora

    Fantasy Husks RP

    Name: Amaya Kao (Prounounced "Am-My-Ya Kay-Oh") Title: Human Age: 23 Gender: Female