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  1. Cthulhu Cult

    Fantasy Demon Road

    The demons look at each other not sure of what to do, right as they are about to go back to torturing Timmy he awakes. Kotzita is still asleep and Timmy gains 2000xp for a quest milestone. In the morning Kotzita lays out the plan of attack "Alright, my plan is to raid this hide out," she says...
  2. Cthulhu Cult

    Fantasy Demon Road

    That night Timmy dreams of fire and brimstone, he sees unspeakable horrors and feels pain as if it were real. The horrors tortured him and no matter how hard he tried to wake up he couldn't. They promised Timmy power and freedom if he gave himself to the demons Timmy replied ...
  3. Cthulhu Cult

    Fantasy Demon Road

    Kotzita smiles "Of course what kind of safe house would it be if it didn't." After an hour of walking in the woods You come across a small broken down cabin in the woods. Kotzita opens a hatch inside with a ladder leading to her underground safehouse. There is an alchemy table to Timmy's...
  4. Cthulhu Cult

    Fantasy Demon Road

    "Hmmmm, alright and don't worry about an army. The Order wants to remain in the shadows for the time being, and i can handle assassins. Now you know too much as well. It won't be long before they send assassins after you too, they have eyes everywhere. I'll take you to my safe house and...
  5. Cthulhu Cult

    Fantasy Demon Road

    Kotzita looks around for witnesses, then grabs Timmey she pulls him around a corner and slams him against a building. "How the f*ck do you know about the order? How did you get this note? Do you even know what I'm up against?! I can't leave I still have work to do. But first you need to answer...
  6. Cthulhu Cult

    Fantasy Demon Road

    "15 gold for a small (1d6) 25 for medium (2d4) 60 for large (3d6)"
  7. Cthulhu Cult

    Fantasy Demon Road

    The Potions stand is run by a kind dragonborn named Kotzita. She wipes the dust off her stand and asks you, "what's your poison?"
  8. Cthulhu Cult

    Fantasy Demon Road

    ok redoing this The two fall in the cell and while mad at Timmy at at least happy to share a cell together. You leave the prison to climb up a ladder which leads up into the tavern's basement. Once outside you think of Kotzita who lives in Bromwich, but there is much know mercenary work in...
  9. Cthulhu Cult

    Fantasy Demon Road

    They couple loath Timmy with all their might. Right before Timmy exits the prison they begin chanting "WE PLEDGE OUR LIVES TO YOU CRIEBAL, LET US OFFER OUR BODIES SO YOU MAY BATH THE WORLD IN BLOOD!" Their eyes begin to glow green and simultaneously turn their eyes to Timmy. They start to...
  10. Cthulhu Cult

    Fantasy Demon Road

    Prisoner 5 (dave) looks between Timmy and his fellow prisoner. Dave makes a decision, he makes a grab for the keys and steals them from Timmy. He has enough time to free his wife (prisoner 2) before Timmy... 19754
  11. Cthulhu Cult

    Fantasy Demon Road

    Prisoner 1: The f*ck? Just let me out please! Prisoner 2: Ummmmm the person you met was your sister and you never saw her again cause you killed her. prisoner 3: your sister is a b*tch. prisoner 4: what #3 said prisoner 5: The person you met told you your sister killed your mother and in...
  12. Cthulhu Cult

    Fantasy Demon Road

    Timmy is able to cut the man's head clean off, the spell stops immediately. However, the head continues talking "Try as you might you can't escape the demon might, and on this day 200 slain, all for Creibal's majesty." The head stops and its eyes return to a normal state. On the corpse Timmy...
  13. Cthulhu Cult

    Fantasy Demon Road

    Timmy misses and begins to panic. The other prisoners are screaming for their lives, begging for timmy to release them from the prison. Prisoner 6's eyes glow green and soon his spell will activate.
  14. Cthulhu Cult

    Fantasy Demon Road

    Prisoner 1: The f*ck? Just let me out please! Prisoner 2: Ummmmm the person you met was your sister and you never saw her again cause you killed her. prisoner 3: your sister is a b*tch. prisoner 4: what #3 said prisoner 5: The person you met told you your sister killed your mother and in...
  15. Cthulhu Cult

    Fantasy Demon Road

    Timmy finds himself in another cell room. This room however has six prisoners. The moment they notice Timmey they beg him to let them out. They all have a different sob story but the stories all have a general theme to them. They tell Timmy that the key to their cells is two rooms left of hear...
  16. Cthulhu Cult

    Fantasy Demon Road

    Timmey heads to the room right of his cell. The same room that the ritual was taking place. When he enters all he finds is the same shrine form the goblin cave. All around the room ashes are falling from the ceiling. The ritual is complete. There is another room ahead of Timmey or he can...
  17. Cthulhu Cult

    Fantasy Demon Road

    The note reads as fallows To whom it may concern, It has come to our attention that a dragonborn named Kotzita Worfas has left the order. She knows too much of our existence. Kill her by any means necessary, so long as you reveal nothing. Erase her and her proof of us. Hail Criebal...
  18. Cthulhu Cult

    Fantasy Demon Road

    The dwarf falls, and Timmey gained 500xp he loots the dwarves to find five gold pieces and a drawing of a middle finger. The dead dwarf he is currently searching comes back to life. The dwarf laughs at Timmey for a little while then falls down dead again. 19746
  19. Cthulhu Cult

    Fantasy Demon Road

    Dwarf 1 falls to the ground, his arm severed, and a slash across both lungs and his heart. COMBAT 8/8 dwarf 2:swings halberd; hits 5 dmg
  20. Cthulhu Cult

    Fantasy Demon Road

    Timmey assaults dwarf 2 but he misses the armor chinks and his swords bounce off uselessly. COMBAT 7/8 dwarf 1: casts healing spell on self;it works heals 5 8/8 dwarf 2: swings halberd; misses