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  1. Tactless

    And in one fell swoop everythings ok. Dafuck. Still busy as piss though.

    And in one fell swoop everythings ok. Dafuck. Still busy as piss though.
  2. Tactless

    All I want for christmas is a stable, healthy, living environment for me and the people I love.

    All I want for christmas is a stable, healthy, living environment for me and the people I love.
  3. Tactless

    I'm so angry right now I don't even know how to deal. (Disgusting parenting and real life stress...

    I'm so angry right now I don't even know how to deal. (Disgusting parenting and real life stress ahoy!!)
  4. Tactless

    Fantasy Rise of the Beasts

    (I say open it back up >< also Hi its nice to meet you copper. I'm pretty busy and will be until the 17th or so, so I'm sorry for not responding super often!)
  5. Tactless


  6. Tactless

    Fantasy Rise of the Beasts

    Landry could sense the unease in the air and quieted, grabbing her spear that leaned against the wall. She shivered at the mention of Shadow Hounds. "Can you tell how many there is?" When Landry tried to see for herself, she couldn't see much through the dark.
  7. Tactless

    Fantasy Rise of the Beasts

    Once again, Chris was right. It seemed to become a trend, but didn't this typically happen when you talked to someone older then you? And this guy had been around since before the city was even built. Landry shook her head. "Even if I ever thought that, Christopher, I could never call you that...
  8. Tactless

    Fantasy Rise of the Beasts

    When his tone grew more serious her embarrassment lessened."...Yeah it probably is. Thank you. Hopefully I can make this up to you soon." She smiled shyly at him, feeling genuinely grateful. Hopefully other beasts would be as kind as Christopher had been to her. Landry sat down on one side of...
  9. Tactless

    Fantasy Rise of the Beasts

    Landry covered her face with her hand, wondering if she could get any redder. Did he really just innuendo? Or did she just jump to conclusions and have a dirty mind? Ughh! Landry almost wished she was alone again. Almost. "I'm not scared! I just," She had trouble figuring out what to say. "don't...
  10. Tactless

    Fantasy Rise of the Beasts

    "I hope to god they won't, but they are starting to cause more trouble then the beasts.." Landry trailed off, there must be something she could do to somehow help. Eventually. For now, she followed Chris into his shelter. Landry tried her best not to grimace, but it would definitely be a bit...
  11. Tactless

    Fantasy Rise of the Beasts

    She stood up and followed him. "That's pretty harsh of your parents to do, I'm sorry." Landry didn't think her dad would ever do something like that. He was pretty doting when he had the time. In fact he was probably worried out of his mind since she's disappeared... At the mention of shadow...
  12. Tactless

    Fantasy Rise of the Beasts

    That explained the sandwhich and water bottle. Beasts weren't suppose to be in the city, and her first reaction was to chew him out for sneaking in. She had been one of the city guards for heavens sake. But, where else was he going to get food? It made sense. So, as long as he hadn't caused any...
  13. Tactless

    Fantasy Rise of the Beasts

    "You didn't upset me." Landry protested quickly, giving him a weary smile. "Just, more used to my legs then my wings I... guess?" She shrugged helplessly. Landry nearly stopped Chris from ruffling her hair, but then remembered that what old people do. Like her grandpa back at home. Well, the...
  14. Tactless

    Fantasy Rise of the Beasts

    Landry blinked. "Oh." Wow, he was old then. "Sorry, If that was rude to ask." To be fair he was asking about her, so maybe it wasn't? She tried to lighten the mood somehow. "You certainly didn't seem that old. You don't look a day past 20." That was a compliment for old people, right? At the...
  15. Tactless

    Fantasy Rise of the Beasts

    Landry sat down on the sand as he spoke. Nephilim huh? She couldn't really remember what that was, but wasn't going to ask and seem like a idiot. "No, and even if I could, I doubt I could fly with wings about the size of my hand." The girl looked up at him "How long have you been out here, if...
  16. Tactless

    Fantasy Rise of the Beasts

    Landry sheepishly smiled, attempting to explain "Not in this form. A week ago I didn't even know that I was a beast, so I've only changed like...twice? It's nothing cool like your wings, I can just change into a bat." Landry indicated the size with her fingers. "Your right, I probably should...
  17. Tactless

    Fantasy Rise of the Beasts

    "I uh, I appreciate the lift but I can fly myself." To be fair she hadn't really practiced it much because of her adversion to being a beast, but she should at least let him know. Also probably the other things she could do... But Landry was quickly distracted by the view of the oasis. Of course...
  18. Tactless

    Fantasy Rise of the Beasts

    "Pleasure to meet you too, Christopher." Landry responded, a smile lighting her face up. It quickly disappeared when he put a arm around her waist "H-hey!" She snapped, blushing at the touch. When he lifted her up into the air she could guess where this was going. "W-we're flying there...
  19. Tactless

    Fantasy Rise of the Beasts

    Landry recapped her water after draining about half the bottle in one go."That's where I just left, so yeah, the city would definitely not be somewhere I want to go." Landry sighed, a mix of bitterness and sadness in her tone when she spoke about the city. She gave him a small smile. "Yeah, I...
  20. Tactless

    Fantasy Rise of the Beasts

    Landry frowned, but she wouldn't press, he did help her out of the goodness of his heart after all. Besides, she had a feeling she didn't want to know. "...thank you then. I appreciate your kindness." When he opened his wings and said he was going to go, Landry protested. "Wait, please-" She...