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  • Users: CaineCase
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  1. CaineCase

    Realistic or Modern Flesh and Blood: Evergreen CS

    A farm girl always good to have on hand, welcome to Evergreen Ms. Thompson
  2. CaineCase

    Realistic or Modern Flesh And Blood: Evergreen OOC

    I'm drawing out a very crude map and its half tempting to just show you guys lmao
  3. CaineCase

    Realistic or Modern Flesh And Blood: Evergreen OOC

    Hmm having that weird moment where I can see evergreen in my head, but whenever i try to write it out it just doesnt come out lmao
  4. CaineCase

    Realistic or Modern Flesh and Blood: Evergreen Interest Check

    Oh hey, yeah here is where you can put a character sheet
  5. CaineCase

    Realistic or Modern Flesh and Blood: Evergreen CS

    hes a big boy, welcome to evergreen Mr. Dalton
  6. CaineCase

    Realistic or Modern Flesh and Blood: Evergreen Interest Check

    Imma just bump this one last time
  7. CaineCase

    Realistic or Modern Flesh and Blood: Evergreen CS

    Oh, good question! Yes, we'll say for now, let's play it be ear.
  8. CaineCase

    Realistic or Modern Flesh And Blood: Evergreen OOC

    Either or is okay, I don't really mind which
  9. CaineCase

    Realistic or Modern Flesh and Blood: Evergreen Interest Check

    Hey guys, here's the CS
  10. CaineCase

    Realistic or Modern Flesh and Blood: Evergreen CS

    Update: I think i'm going to put a due date for the forms. Due Date: October 22 Tuesday I might extend depending on the work I get done before hand or if anything comes up Hey, here's the character application, its gonna be pretty simple. I ask you just be reasonable with your characters...
  11. CaineCase

    Realistic or Modern Flesh And Blood: Evergreen OOC

    Here's the OOC, I'll answer any questions, otherwise this is also for general chatter.
  12. CaineCase

    Realistic or Modern Flesh and Blood: Evergreen Interest Check

    Oh fantastic, Imma wait for a couple more people and I'll put up a CS Application thread soon
  13. CaineCase

    Realistic or Modern Flesh and Blood: Evergreen Interest Check

    The tall concrete walls of Evergreen appeared even taller before the decimated skyscrapers of what was once the downtown area of a forgotten city. Curious brown eyes peered over the wall to the outside, watching the horizon before her gaze fell to the gate. The only entrance gate. The intake...
  14. CaineCase

    Advice/Help New to the Group

    Thank you!
  15. CaineCase

    Advice/Help New to the Group

    I was hoping to make sort of a sandboxy, zombie RP where everyone starts in a big settlement that hasn't been over run yet
  16. CaineCase

    Advice/Help New to the Group

    Oh Yeah, its my favourite dnd character, I had her commissioned some time ago and i love the way she turned out
  17. CaineCase

    Advice/Help New to the Group

    Thank you!
  18. CaineCase

    Advice/Help New to the Group

    Hey everyone, I'm a little intimidated by the group RPs and all that because I don't see behind the curtain. I want to potentially set up an RP, but I'm a little lost on the whole process of setting up the group rp. What's everyone's process on setting one up? From the first interest post, all...
  19. CaineCase

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello, My name is Avery. I've been here before but on I made a new account. I love writing, and hopefully I'll be able to host something soon.