Search results for query: *

  1. ~Avester~

    As a matter of fact, I ordered samples of a type of fungus found in Central Asia. I want to look...

    As a matter of fact, I ordered samples of a type of fungus found in Central Asia. I want to look at it in a microscope.
  2. ~Avester~

    I love purple, black, white, deep emerald and brown.

    I love purple, black, white, deep emerald and brown.
  3. ~Avester~

    Fandom Looking for a trusty friend who likes to RP

     Sure, why not :)
  4. ~Avester~

    Fandom Looking for a trusty friend who likes to RP

    @Broodmother @Shroot @Fabularum You guys all seem cool, and I appreciate that lol
  5. ~Avester~

    I'm loving the fancy "Night Life" theme. Dark themes are always the best!

    I'm loving the fancy "Night Life" theme. Dark themes are always the best!
  6. ~Avester~

    Advice/Help What is an Interest Check, and how does it work?

    I see all these things about interest checks and such. What are they, and what is the purpose of them?
  7. ~Avester~

    I need to get a computer. It is probably easier to use than a tablet lol

    I need to get a computer. It is probably easier to use than a tablet lol
  8. ~Avester~

    Things such as a sort of fantasy world (not spoiling too much info)

    Things such as a sort of fantasy world (not spoiling too much info)
  9. ~Avester~

    Fandom Looking for a trusty friend who likes to RP

    The prefix is "fandom" cause idk what to choose, and I am in fact, a fan of RP so yeah. Anyway, I am Dante Avester. Also known as ~Avester~ on the forums. I am 16 years old, and I am male. I am... "Strange" in real life, but positive and good on the internet. I like deep story...
  10. ~Avester~

    I want to roleplay with some body but there is so much stuff on here and I don't know how to...

    I want to roleplay with some body but there is so much stuff on here and I don't know how to really start.. I have good ideas however!
  11. ~Avester~

    The spider disappeared... Oh no.

    The spider disappeared... Oh no.
  12. ~Avester~

    Great, there is another spider in my room.

    Great, there is another spider in my room.
  13. ~Avester~

    Judging by the posts and status updates here, not many people use these forums to RP, but to...

    Judging by the posts and status updates here, not many people use these forums to RP, but to just hang out and stuff...
  14. ~Avester~

    Simply because 1. I love breakfast 2. My family makes the best food I know 3. They are...

    Simply because 1. I love breakfast 2. My family makes the best food I know 3. They are awesome
  15. ~Avester~

    I would accept without hesitation if my family made me eat breakfast with them.

    I would accept without hesitation if my family made me eat breakfast with them.
  16. ~Avester~

    I changed my name from DanteAvester to ~Avester~. I figure it's probably better if I don't...

    I changed my name from DanteAvester to ~Avester~. I figure it's probably better if I don't use my full name as a user name xD
  17. ~Avester~

    Well I mean in my town

    Well I mean in my town
  18. ~Avester~

    Everyone gets school off but not me.

    Everyone gets school off but not me.
  19. ~Avester~

    I am excited to begin role-playing, but it's like 3:30 AM where I live so I need to sleep xD

    I am excited to begin role-playing, but it's like 3:30 AM where I live so I need to sleep xD
  20. ~Avester~

    New guy around here!

    Heyo! I'm new! Well... I'm new to the forums. When it comes to forums, or role-playing, I can call my self a half baked cookie. (It least in the RP part). I want to see what kind of community this is, so reply how your personality is. I am totally different person online. Me irl...