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  1. ShadowTheHero

    Realistic or Modern ÚñÐåµñ†êÐ - Super Hero Roleplay

    One more character sheet needed before I start it
  2. ShadowTheHero

    Realistic or Modern ÚñÐåµñ†êÐ - Super Hero Roleplay

    Yes, i'd like everyone to post there character sheet here.
  3. ShadowTheHero

    Realistic or Modern ÚñÐåµñ†êÐ - Super Hero Roleplay

    Recent events have left our world in choas. Millions died in one terrible moment...Friends. Family. Husbans. Wives. Some survivors have stepped forward to pick up the peices. Others have succumbed to corruption. Now, nowhere is safe and no one is free. The crimonals of this world...the monsters...
  4. ShadowTheHero

    Realistic or Modern Rebellion: Rise Up

    Matthew stood near by the shipment stubbornly staring off into the distance thinking about all the innocent lifes wasted. He remember when he use to cry about this kind of thing, but now, he doesn't see a difference between the innocent lifes being taken and a small bee sting. He also thought...
  5. ShadowTheHero

    Need someone who will put up with a beginner

    I'm not completly new so I understand the concept on roleplay but on these forums I don't look as good as I use to. Basicly i'm just looking for someone who won't get ticked at me if I make a stupid roleplay mistake or do something that isn't right. Someone who would teach me, rather then yell...
  6. ShadowTheHero


    I was looking for a decent roleplay forum and I found this and singed up, so i'm basicly new here. Just thought my first post would be here and maybe someone could give me some advise about the roleplays on these forums. I'm not really new to roleplay but from what I seen so far i'm definitely...