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  1. JediToaster

    1 x 1 Planning with Dawn

    Ah, did I mention this is like...*old* west? Like, reconstruction era?
  2. JediToaster

    1 x 1 Planning with Dawn

    Ooooh, Adeline is a pretty name.
  3. JediToaster

    1 x 1 Planning with Dawn

    Well, we should come up with something! I'm partial to the name James, myself.
  4. JediToaster

    1 x 1 Planning with Dawn

    I figured. I can do a male role rather easily, as I am male. So you'll be the Bonnie to my Clyde? I don't think we'll be using those names, though.
  5. JediToaster

    1 x 1 Planning with Dawn

    Awesome! So, gender wise, what would you want to play? I'm fine with MM, MF, but can't play FF all that well.
  6. JediToaster

    1 x 1 Planning with Dawn

    So! Ideas- what are some things you're into? I currently might have in mind a sort of Bonnie-and-Clyde thing going on here if you're interested in listening.
  7. JediToaster

    1 x 1 Planning with Dawn

    @JediToaster, please edit this post to include any OOC information.
  8. JediToaster

    1 x 1 Planning with Dawn

    @JediToaster, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.
  9. JediToaster

    1 x 1 Planning with Dawn

    @Dawn Hollenwell Hi there. Feel free to post here for discussion!
  10. JediToaster


    Well, this one is ten. So yes, until tomorrow, planning here is good :) You know what? I realize now I just hijacked this thread. This isn't even my post. I'll go make one for us. Sorry about that, guys.
  11. JediToaster


    Might be because I'm new...great... Well, I'm at eight posts (this one being 9) and around this time tomorrow I should be good to go. Keep me in mind? <3
  12. JediToaster

    Two Path's Crossing

    I'd be interested. However, as I am new to this site (but not RP, I may need to clarify that), I am unable to send PMs to people. This is a not-so-subtle attempt at asking you to PM me, please.
  13. JediToaster

    New Here

    @JediToaster, please edit this post to include any OOC information.
  14. JediToaster

    New Here

    @JediToaster, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.
  15. JediToaster

    New Here

    Apparently I can just @ someone and I assume I can reply to PMs...just not start them yet. So, @CalebLee, will you PM me please?
  16. JediToaster


    I'll RP with you. Mind hitting me up with a PM since I'm new to the site and can't do so myself?
  17. JediToaster

    Come and play with me~

    As I just joined here, I can't start up a PM thread yet- would you mind PMing me?
  18. JediToaster

    Gay Romance

    I would be up for this. Any chance you can PM me to discuss things?