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  1. Linkman496


    Name: Larry Thorne Pseudonym: Carolus Rex Age: 23 Appearance: Larry stands at about 5'8 with a slightly thinner than average build, his skin is noticeably pale and tends to be an indication as to how much time he spends indoors. His dark brown hair is messy and unkempt, though he seems...
  2. Linkman496

    Fantasy A fighting chance

    This was already proving to be less than fun, he got here and was completely ignored until some guy with pointy ears started yelling stuff about how they were going to be enslaved or somesuch and how humans were going to do this and that. He didn't really care at all, he would have interrupted...
  3. Linkman496

    Fantasy A fighting chance

    The mass of man and fur wandering through the streets of the rather large town was almost impossible to miss, upon closer inspection this figure would seem to resemble a man but even then one could second guess themselves. This 'man' was not a simple human, however, that much was evident, those...
  4. Linkman496

    How'zit Hangin'?

    Names Linkman496, most people just call me Link. Not much to say, I've Roleplayed on a few forums a while back, not this one though, found this one when looking for something to do while Procrastinating, so now I'm here. Thanks Google. I'm an experienced RPer, but I feel there's always room...
  5. Linkman496

    A fighting chance

    Name: Dougaim Ror Age: 31 Gender: Male Appearance: Dougaim has two different forms in which he appears, the first being his “humanoid” form. Essentially he looks like a rather large and rather hairy man. Standing at about 6’6 with a rippling physique clots of dark gray hair growing from...