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  1. BloomingxxCyanide

    Is That You?

    "You could always say no. Leave after the show and before the liquor comes out." David suggested, shrugging. "That's like asking me why I work in a bookstore and read so many books. It's an effect to what we like." he finished his sentence and watched Alex, and after a few moments he pulled...
  2. BloomingxxCyanide

    Is That You?

    "No, I read them. Ivey never told you?" David responded, sounding detached as he looked away from Alex and looked straight ahead again. "But you said it in the last one: we're long gone." He went quiet as his thumb started to trace a circle on Alex's shoulder, and he still looked ahead, his face...
  3. BloomingxxCyanide

    Is That You?

    David's infamous nagging feeling yelled at him, and he argued with himself as he moved. He slowly went beside Alex and sat down, taking a few minutes to figure out what to do. The only thing that his mind and the nagging feeling agreed on was not becoming too attached still, but doing something...
  4. BloomingxxCyanide

    Is That You?

    David cheated himself. There were days where he spent more time reading and re-reading the letters than reading books, or doing homework. Other days he was busy with work, classes, or hanging out with Ivey and the small click of friends that he was welcomed into to even read one. But when he...
  5. BloomingxxCyanide

    Is That You?

    Ivey watched Alex run off, and then looked back at the front doors of David's apartment. She could go in and ask what the deal was, but David was probably asleep. Tomorrow, she told herself. And then she headed off to her thing. Throughout the day - and after his nap, David returned to the...
  6. BloomingxxCyanide

    Is That You?

    It was probably a good thing that Alex left the letters - a half-dressed Ivey ended up answering the door against David's wishes. When Ivey spotted no one there, she called back to David and then she noticed the letters. "David! Mail?" she called out, questionly, and David appeared next to her...
  7. BloomingxxCyanide

    Is That You?

    David's eyes connected with Alex's and he was more confused. It looked like she was sad, but when people played music, they always concentrated to the point of looking sad. He kind of shrugged it off, and followed after Ivey who said goodbye to Alex and sped ahead of David, calling back about...
  8. BloomingxxCyanide

    Is That You?

    David felt a pang of guilt in his stomach when Alex revealed her mother's passing. It was her mother that talked to his mother and assured his mother that it was fine for them to be so close. He stayed silent as his own memories came to mind, and he only half-listened to whatever Alex told Ivey...
  9. BloomingxxCyanide

    Is That You?

    David and Ivey both shook their heads at the same time. "No." Ivey replied, "Just friends. And occasional study buddies." David's eyes were on Alex's violin, looking over the stickers. Sure enough, there was one from their hometown and David touched it. "Is everything still alright there?" he...
  10. BloomingxxCyanide

    Is That You?

    David didn't watch her leave, but when his door closed, he turned around and threw his fist at the wall, a loud thud echoing through his apartment. The punch got rid of his anger, but now his hand hurt. Rubbing his knuckles, he went to his bedroom and got dressed and then took a couple extra...
  11. BloomingxxCyanide

    Is That You?

    "Because that's how I left you, and how I knew you!" David outburst suddenly, appearing calm on the outside but he was furious on the inside. "I was torn away from my life and the only other person who I knew as well as myself! This? This is scary! This is not how I figured you'd turn out to be...
  12. BloomingxxCyanide

    Is That You?

    David looked at the picture, and was taken back. He had the same one in a box somewhere at his parent's place. So Alex had to be his Alex! His heart jumped to his throat and he took a sharp breath in, nearly choking on it. His eyes went right to her as she asked her questions, and he didn't have...
  13. BloomingxxCyanide

    Is That You?

    The month passed with nothing too exciting happening to David. He studied, got lost in more books, e-mailed his parents more and more as some loneliness settled in. There was a lingering regret brushing Alex off the way he did, but the regret faded with the days. And soon he was back to himself...
  14. BloomingxxCyanide

    Is That You?

    David's reaction to her sudden movements was like him pulling his hand from fire - he jumped, and did pull his hands back, but she caught his left hand faster than he expected. She startled him! But when she got quiet, he followed her gaze to his hand where, such enough, there was the scar that...
  15. BloomingxxCyanide

    Is That You?

    I have to close tonight and then I have tomorrow off, and aside from having to go get groceries tomorrow, I'm going to be on all day. Just as a heads up :)
  16. BloomingxxCyanide

    Is That You?

    David listened, and decided to overshare as well, so Alex wouldn't feel the need to apologize. He was enjoying this, which he found a little odd, but he felt like there was some kind of connection to her already there. But David never met her before... at least he didn't think so. "I spent a...
  17. BloomingxxCyanide

    Is That You?

    Again, David watched her. What was with him watching her? It was like he was trying to catch up on what he missed with her, yet he didn't know her. He copied her - leaning back in the booth and he rested his hands on the table, playing with his index finger a little bit. "No biggie." he replied...
  18. BloomingxxCyanide

    Is That You?

    David stayed silent as Alex left his place. He didn't want to ruin the mood of his place with his own words. Instead, he simply finished packing up, slipped on his now-cleaned shoes and left, locking the door. He had to sprint to the library to drop off the books before class - sighing at the...
  19. BloomingxxCyanide

    Is That You?

    Alrighty :) I've gotta head off for bed, I work a morning shift in about nine hours. I'll try to get on to keep going after work, but I might have to nap before I do anything (I'm a closer, not an opener). Can't wait for your reply!
  20. BloomingxxCyanide

    Is That You?

    "I would remember a wild mane of hair like that in my classes, but I don't think so." David replied as he played with his bagged sandwich. "You look familiar to me too, but maybe we just pass each other a lot on campus?" he threw into the air as he walked from the kitchen to his bedroom, closing...