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  1. Penny Dreadful

    Fantasy Harry Potter RP

    I’m interested!
  2. Penny Dreadful

    Fandom Maximum Ride: The Other Flock

    Awesome! You're accepted
  3. Penny Dreadful

    Fandom Maximum Ride: The Other Flock

    Okay, I'm sorry I've been gone forever!! If you guys want to write the first posts you can! @Tessa Roberts @Vampiress
  4. Penny Dreadful

    Fandom Maximum Ride: The Other Flock

    Okay, I'm sorry it took me FOREVER to do this, and I'm like 100% sure I didn't do it right, but I created a place for us to rp. Whichever one of y'all wants can start first, and then we'll just go from there. I realize you guys have got lives outside of this, (unless you're me ) so don't sweat...
  5. Penny Dreadful

    Fandom Maximum Ride: The Other Flock

    I dunno if I did this right, but I suppose this is where we'll rp!
  6. Penny Dreadful

    Fandom Maximum Ride: The Other Flock

    @Vampiress I'm in agreement with @Tessa Roberts pic three is great! I also really like your oc, and it's all good. I guess we're ready than? I don't exactly have this down yet, so do we rp here?
  7. Penny Dreadful

    Realistic or Modern Olympus University

    This is basically everything about college, but with Greek gods; partying (Dionysus throws the best!), dances (Aphrodite loves being Prom Queen!), hard classes (Athena loves them!), and a lot more. I don't have a specific plot set, so it's pretty lose. Chose a god  AND a goddess to play, and if...
  8. Penny Dreadful

    Fandom Maximum Ride: The Other Flock

  9. Penny Dreadful

    Fandom Maximum Ride: The Other Flock

    @Tessa Roberts @Vampiress If y'all are still in we can start. @Vampiress if you wanna make a character first go ahead
  10. Penny Dreadful

    Pack Mentality (A Teen Wolf Roleplay)

  11. Penny Dreadful

    Pack Mentality (A Teen Wolf Roleplay)

    "Kira, get up!" My mom shouts. Thoughts race through my head as I race to get dressed and begin brushing my hair. What if no one notices me? Or if I make a total fool of myself? Or if my dad makes me look like-- "Kira, I'll drive you, let's go!" My dad shouts, eager to get back to teaching...
  12. Penny Dreadful

    Search for RP Partners! <3

    I would be up for Teen Wolf, though I've only finished up to season 4. 
  13. Penny Dreadful

    Looking for a Teen Wolf Season 4 partner

    If you're up for Teen Wolf rp with oc's shoot me a message, we can start with the plot of season one and work out way up, or jump all around. Your OC can be however you wish it to be (as in, different supernatural status than what's in TW, they can date a TW character, ect.) Thanks!
  14. Penny Dreadful

    Fandom Maximum Ride: The Other Flock

    Awesome! @Vampiress
  15. Penny Dreadful

    Fandom Maximum Ride: The Other Flock

    I suppose that'd be up to you, it might be a bit confusing at parts, but I'd be fine if you haven't, @Vampiress
  16. Penny Dreadful

    Fandom Maximum Ride: The Other Flock

  17. Penny Dreadful

    Realistic or Modern Rulers of the Broken World

    Everything everyone ever knew was gone one day. Everything. A virus swept through the world, killing most of the population, and all adults. The only thing left was children and teens. The teens split up the world, deciding that they'd each rule over their share. Cleaning up after the disaster...
  18. Penny Dreadful

    Fandom Maximum Ride: The Other Flock

    This rp can go however we want it to, and is set before the world ends, and Pheonix won't exist (sorry, that book dissapointed me so horribly.) Pretty much our flock will clash with Max's flock, and we'll work from there, sort of following the plot of the series. Submit a character...
  19. Penny Dreadful

    Fandom Teen Wolf Season 4

    Name: Arabella Johnson Age: 15 Crush: Liam Dunbar Supernatural Status: Banshee Personality: Shy, nerdy, Likes: Her old town, reading,  Dislikes: When people bother her or her friends, Beacon Hills High Other: New to Beacon Hills, lives with aunt I will also be whoever is...
  20. Penny Dreadful

    Fandom Teen Wolf Season 4

    I do not own any of the Teen Wolf characters. (Ex. Scott, Stiles, Allison, Lydia, ect) Basically we're playing up to season 4 and it can go however we want it to. Your oc can date an actual character, even. Just  give a character description, mine will be posted below this if you need an...