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  1. Tu Eanna

    Keychain #323-328

    Well, knowing you are looking for a secret door reference in The Hobbit is a good start.
  2. Tu Eanna

    Keychain #323-328

    I love it! I recognized it pretty much right away (the RSS feed page title helped a little, because I would have thought that was a wren or a sparrow - I'm bad with birds). I love how the bird looks at Marena and then goes tok-tok! :mrgreen: Edit: Oh, wait, we have spoiler tags...
  3. Tu Eanna


    I'm still incredibly impressed - last thing I made without an official "Very Easy" pattern was a veil and hipscarf (the veil is fold and pin edges to hem, sew straight lines, hipscarf is same but sew on pre-made fringe - the only hard part is sewing thin fabric w/o jamming the machine), so a...
  4. Tu Eanna


    Awesome! Well beyond my sewing skills for sure.
  5. Tu Eanna

    How Did You Find This Site?

    Complicated long drawn-out chains are the only way to travel! Also, hello!
  6. Tu Eanna

    How Did You Find This Site?

    My answer is too complicated to be anything but "Other"... See, a friend of a friend who may eventually be in my game group directed me to Keychain of Creation when it was just starting, but then that computer got replaced and the link was lost before I ever made it to the forums. Then...
  7. Tu Eanna

    Keychain #317-322

    Yet another new poster! *gasp* (Art changes sure bring us out of the woodwork, don't they?) I like the new arms and such too, though like most people I didn't notice them at first, and it didn't really sink in until the news post. I figured that with his sorcery skills Misho sees something...