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  1. Renaryu

    Creeps have hearts too!

    xD That's not whatI ment, I ment like the story. What story i will use.
  2. Renaryu

    Creeps have hearts too!

    Anyone is welcome. I'll just use the blog section and so considering now a start. I'm just not sure how I should start.
  3. Renaryu

    Bring it

    When I came to this site I was thinking 'F-ck it, I'm going to stop saying sorry and destroy all my enemies' , but now I'm cutting this sort-of-roleplay off, because I realised you are above my level and thus instead of trying to match your skills and humiliating myself, I'm just surrendering...
  4. Renaryu

    Bring it

    "Thank you.", She says adding a short giggle for cuteness. Normally this 'kawaii' additude would revolt her, but she had no knowledge of this place and thought she'd try a childish approach first, untill she saw the mischievous man, rubbing his hands together in delight. She was glad that the...
  5. Renaryu

    Creeps have hearts too!

    How nice of you all. I seeked one, but a small group is good aswell. I have two characters, but sadly the site ruins the picture for Alma. Do you think they'd mind if I used the blog section or something else?
  6. Renaryu

    Creeps have hearts too!

    Hey you! Are you considered weird or creepy? Do like roleplaying at your own pace? Do you hate Mary Sue's and godmodders? Will you roleplay more then once with me? Yes? Then please give me a chance! I have been roleplaying for more than 3 years! I'm loyal to all my friends and...
  7. Renaryu

    Thanks for welcoming me. ^^ So far you've been the only one. Q-Q (Maybe I came on to strong in...

    Thanks for welcoming me. ^^ So far you've been the only one. Q-Q (Maybe I came on to strong in my introduction)
  8. Renaryu

    Bring it

    Hey there, My name's Renaryu, you can call me Ren. I'll be jumping aroudn allot more often then you'd think, because i really love roleplay. And with roleplay i don't mean one liners, neither do i mean script style. I mean full posts, characters with dept, no mary sue's or characters...