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  1. Waterbelon

    Advice/Help Does Plotting Ahead Kill Your Roleplay?

    Yeah, some roleplays have a DM, some have everyone contributing to the plot. Some of the best threads I've written are the former, where everyone's helping push the story forward. I also wanna add that sometimes OOC micro-plotting is very helpful! Like if it's your turn to post and you want a...
  2. Waterbelon

    Fantasy The Clockwork City at the Edge of the World

    Thanks! It seems like a super fun roleplay, but I really can't commit rn. Best of luck though!
  3. Waterbelon

    Digital My first post and it is art

    Really cute style! Love how you handle shading and the colors you pick
  4. Waterbelon

    Other Why did you choose your avatar?

    .... watermelon :^)
  5. Waterbelon

    Idea Describe your latest RP idea in a sentence!

    Old lady and her cat run a teashop at the end of the world.
  6. Waterbelon

    Fantasy The Clockwork City at the Edge of the World

    Hello! I'm tentatively interested but not committing yet. May I know your expected posting rate and what sort of character you'll be playing as? Did you also have a specific thread premise in mind or were you planning on plotting that out with players once they'd made their characters?
  7. Waterbelon

    Experiences What entices you to respond to an interest check?

    Clear expectations. Genre, theme, character sheet formats, and lore are all good, but I think it's more important for GMs who have very clear expectations on the more "meta" aspects of roleplay. Pacing and post length is one good expectation - how often are players expected to post? Do posts...
  8. Waterbelon

    Viewpoint What makes a good RP story?

    It depends on what you really want out of roleplay. For me, I enjoy roleplay because of the experience of seeing how characters interact to build a story. I'm more interested in the story that is unfolding or developing - so I care less about how pretty the story is written, perfect grammar or...
  9. Waterbelon

    Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

    Ghosting :') Losing interest in an rp and leaving or dropping it is fine, or having no time to continue an rp. But some notice at the very least would be nice. Like even a "Hey, I'm sorry I can't continue this rp, thanks for the time though!"
  10. Waterbelon

    Advice/Help Does Plotting Ahead Kill Your Roleplay?

    I've seen a lot of cases where too much plotting stops roleplay in its tracks. I guess if I wanted to describe it there's two kinds of plotting? Plotting for the past, where you hash out char backstories and the setting of the rp, is pretty much fine. Plotting for the future is where it's...
  11. Waterbelon

    Other Tell me you're a roleplayer without telling me you're a roleplayer

    Knows a bit of html/css coding but it's only for aesthetics and not enough for actual frontend web dev :')
  12. Waterbelon

    Introduce Yourself!

    Heyo I'm Waterbelon :^) Long time rper, here to check out cool rps and maybe start some of my own.