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  1. Fauxapparatus

    Fantasy ComplexCity: Fantasy/Steampunk/Other

    Please submit characters when you have time. Thanks. Detailed - ComplexCity: Rivvet of Mira'det
  2. Fauxapparatus

    Fantasy ComplexCity: Rivvet of Mira'det

    Brief Overview: Rivvet, the industrial frontier capitol clinging to the edges of civil Mira'det and the queer landscape of Naux. Being the lead in technology, refinement, and production, Rivvet has attracted all sorts of folks. In place of guild governance Rivvet is controlled mainly by the...
  3. Fauxapparatus

    Fantasy ComplexCity: Rivvet of Mira'det

    OOC lore will be moved here. Please feel free to check back for notifications or the usual OOC business.
  4. Fauxapparatus

    Fantasy ComplexCity: Rivvet of Mira'det

    For characters please include the following: Name and/or Nickname: Race: Nationality (Free Choice): Appearance: Physical Stats: Guild/Factions/etc: Profession/Skill sets: Bio: ETC: * Please add a reason why you think this RP fits you. There may be more areas to fill in as...
  5. Fauxapparatus

    Fantasy ComplexCity: Rivvet of Mira'det

    Welcome to Du'Anah, or more specifically Rivvet. (High-casual+) For those already interested please feel free to send along your character ideas. For anyone else, feel free to do the same. Be sure to include the basic character sheet entries (Name, height, weight, etc) and some backstory...
  6. Fauxapparatus

    Fantasy ComplexCity: Fantasy/Steampunk/Other

    Alrighty. I will post a thread when I have a moment then :)
  7. Fauxapparatus

    Fantasy ComplexCity: Fantasy/Steampunk/Other

    Awesome. I'll shoot for another interest and then I'll make a thread.
  8. Fauxapparatus

    Fantasy Requiem from the Darkness

    :D Keep me posted.
  9. Fauxapparatus


    I'm new around the site. Mayhap see you around ^^ cheers!
  10. Fauxapparatus

    Fantasy Requiem from the Darkness

    Loved the show. Might watch it again now xD This has my interest to say the least.
  11. Fauxapparatus

    - Bonjour ;;

    I don't know what's going on, but sounds interesting. I'm a little new to the site myself, perhaps I shall see you around doing...stuff. :D
  12. Fauxapparatus


    Thank you much Daisie. Faux is fine :) Looks like there is lots of neat stuff on here. See you around. ^^
  13. Fauxapparatus

    Fantasy ComplexCity: Fantasy/Steampunk/Other

    Will do! Hopefully grab a few more players before making a thread. Feel free to brainstorm some character ideas in the meantime. :D
  14. Fauxapparatus


    Excellent! I like cheese, and I'm new as well here. *Triple high five*. See you around?
  15. Fauxapparatus

    Fantasy ComplexCity: Fantasy/Steampunk/Other

    Sorry, COG=Celestial Observation Guild. They are like a church. I added the Lore under the Spoiler tag so everyone can get a better impression. Sounds like a fun character to play, Tayy!
  16. Fauxapparatus

    New and want to find an RP

    Hey there! I'm new around here as well. Old roleplayer though. Feel free to check my interest post, ComplexCity. Maybe see you around, cheers!
  17. Fauxapparatus

    Fantasy ComplexCity: Fantasy/Steampunk/Other

    (High Casual-High Detailed. Lots more Lore added. Any questions shoot my way. Group of 4-5+ is fine. I believe everyone has their own style and approach to writing, you don't need to be grammar fantastic, I mean just use your heart. Also, I <3 commas. Thanks for stopping by and let me know if...
  18. Fauxapparatus


    Hello friends and etc! I'm a Creative Writing BFA major (S.O.U). I have several published works of short fiction as well as some poetry (Gonelawn and Experimementos to name two outlets). No stranger to dice and/or prose roleplay. I'm a weirdo and pretty laid back. I love Lovecraft, Borges...