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  1. Cthylla

    Viewpoint What Are Pairings You Don't Care For In RP

    For me, I read a LOT of fanfics, and the one thing I can't stand is when the OC has some sort of mental disorder. I hate Mary Sue type characters too don't get me wrong, but I just don't like when a character comes with some baggage because they can't be interesting any other way. I prefer to...
  2. Cthylla

    Introduce Yourself!

    Howdy yall, I'm new to this site, thought I would write a little about myself. My online name is Cthylla, and I'm a 35 year old wife and mother of three. I have been role-playing for about 25 years, I started WAY back on Neopets when I was 10 years old, and have never stopped! Most of my...