Search results for query: *

  1. Pagemaster

    Fandom Of Mercenaries and Fanatics: A Star Wars Story

    Dantooine, Dantoo Town Val Harik There were who those wore masks and helmets to hide their expression, Val could do without either of those things. He noted the subtle shift in the Mandalorians body language when she she realized this might be a bit more interesting than the average "save me...
  2. Pagemaster

    Fandom Of Mercenaries and Fanatics: A Star Wars Story

    Dantooine, Dantoo Town Val Harik Val was enjoying a plate of Charred Kath Shank and some sort of greenish liquid that looked absolutely vile yet tasted very pleasant indeed. The old fellas he had met just a short time before had asked him to rejoin them but he politely declined without any real...
  3. Pagemaster

    Fandom Of Mercenaries and Fanatics: A Star Wars Story

    Dantooine, Dantoo Town Val Harik There was the odd time when things just sort of came together and Val was very pleased that today was one of those days. It had taken him quite some time to even confirm that a Mandalorian existed on Dantooine - not surprising given their famously reclusive ways...
  4. Pagemaster

    Fandom Of Mercenaries and Fanatics: A Star Wars Story

    Dantoonie, Dantoo Town Val Harik, that wasn't his real name of course, walked briskly down the boarding ramp and into the fresh air that smelled of recently fallen rain; thankfully the humidity had fallen as well and he did not begin sweating at once. Unremarkable even by human standards, Val...
  5. Pagemaster

    Fandom Of Mercenaries and Fanatics: A Star Wars Story

    A Project Brought to you by @Pagemaster and @Saix Chapter One: The Offer
  6. Pagemaster

    Fantasy History Unscripted - A Time Travellers Story

    Amara was so focused on the task at hand that she never did notice the P-38 behind her begin to lose altitude before nosing over to crash into the azure blue sea below. It bobbed there for a moment, the pilot-sergeant hanging unconscious in his harness before the plane slipped below the gently...
  7. Pagemaster

    Realistic or Modern Precipice of War

    Italy and Romania going toe to toe in the Balkans on top of everything else going on? What a cluster fuck. Fantastic.
  8. Pagemaster

    Realistic or Modern Precipice of War

    HISTORY: The Battle of Jutland solidified Romania's position as a neutral power and, despite ongoing attempts by either side to lure her into an alliance, she remained clear of the Great War until 1918. Although not as geographically strategic as Spain when it came to Naval operations, the...
  9. Pagemaster

    Realistic or Modern The Golden City: A Tale of Two Flames - IC [Open]

    Flemming Ranch - North of San Francisco, California - Arthur Flemming Interactions: @Saix @Misty Gray @neverbackdown The family, minus Amelia, were quickly loaded onto the small railway Arthur had built from the house down to the jetty where the family vessels waited. The track, a narrow...
  10. Pagemaster

    Realistic or Modern Precipice of War

    @Bittertwist @ThylmaesaStarshield Any thoughts on the current state of Europe?
  11. Pagemaster

    Realistic or Modern Precipice of War

    Well, I'm obviously in and would be willing to play a Spain if you need it filled.
  12. Pagemaster

    Nation Building Eternal Conquest - Characters

    King Bjorn Ironhand Race: Dwarf Bio: Clan Ironhand hails from the Iron Mountains - Dwarves are not known for their originality - and Bjorn, their current King, is the tenth of his family name to rule the harsh region. The mountains here are tall and jagged, cut deep by thundering rivers and...
  13. Pagemaster

    Fantasy Eternal Conquest

    I’ll see what I can come up with!
  14. Pagemaster

    Realistic or Modern The Golden City: A Tale of Two Flames - IC [Open]

    Flemming Ranch - North of San Francisco, California - Arthur Flemming Interactions: @Saix @Misty Gray @ReverseTex @neverbackdown Arthur had barely sat still in the last month as business took him all over the country. Ongoing investments, government contracts, and a number of other real...
  15. Pagemaster

    Realistic or Modern The Golden City: A Tale of Two Flames - IC [Open]

    Camp Hawthorne - Lake Tahoe, California - Arthur Flemming Interactions: Daniel Hawthorne, Lillian Flemming Arthur nodded at Daniels promise. It was possible the boy was just swearing on his mothers life because he thought it would matter to Arthur, or he truly meant it. Either way, Arthur was...
  16. Pagemaster

    Realistic or Modern The Golden City: A Tale of Two Flames - IC [Open]

    Camp Hawthorne - Lake Tahoe, California - John Hawthorne Interactions: Grace Baker Grace offered him a quick smile as she did up the clasp on the back of her skirt, checked her lipstick and hair once in her pocket mirror, and then blew him a kiss before unlocking and slipping through the door...
  17. Pagemaster

    Realistic or Modern The Golden City: A Tale of Two Flames - CS [Open]

    John Hawthorne Name: John Hawthorne Age and Date of Birth: 31 (Aug 20, 1898) Sexual Orientation & Relationship Status: Heterosexual, Single Face Claim (Realistic Only): Tom Hardy Height: 6’1 Affiliation: Hawthorne Family Role/Occupation: Second Son / Mine Manager Skills...
  18. Pagemaster

    Realistic or Modern The Golden City: A Tale of Two Flames - IC [Open]

    Camp Hawthorne - Lake Tahoe, California - Arthur Flemming Interactions: Daniel Hawthorne As Amelia walked away Arthur gave a very private sigh, the kind one reserves to share with the family dog. Having the four girls could get... Interesting. Amelia had managed to stir up some recent trouble...
  19. Pagemaster

    Realistic or Modern The Golden City: A Tale of Two Flames - IC [Open]

    Camp Hawthorne - Lake Tahoe, California - Arthur Flemming Interactions: Amelia Flemming Arthur laughed the sight of his daughter pretending to be some sort of creature and shuddered theatrically at the thought of being a Walter Jr. His daughter was not wrong, but deep down in his soul he knew...
  20. Pagemaster

    Realistic or Modern The Golden City: A Tale of Two Flames - CS [Open]

    Thomas Rookwood Name: Thomas Rookwood “Tom", "Rook" Age and Date of Birth: 30 (July 1, 1890) Sexual Orientation & Relationship Status: Heterosexual, Single Face Claim (Realistic Only): Alexander Skarsgård Height: 6’2 Affiliation: The United States Navy Role/Occupation...