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  1. deskkar

    Realistic or Modern Come My Love, Be One With The Sea — temporary ooc

    And you know what... he's liking those odds tbh. Also you're so exactly right- Where's the decorum!?!
  2. deskkar

    Realistic or Modern Come My Love, Be One With The Sea — temporary ooc

    And for Lucien- there's truly no shame in utilizing carefully crafted puppy-dog eyes... It's a god given right actually.
  3. deskkar

    Realistic or Modern Come My Love, Be One With The Sea — temporary ooc

    ty, tyyy- He has a shallow knowledge on a vast amount of things and enough bizarrely misplaced confidence to be like- yeah. you can let me at the canons.
  4. deskkar

    Realistic or Modern Come My Love, Be One With The Sea — temporary ooc

    Goddddd I love her
  5. deskkar

    Realistic or Modern Come My Love, Be One With The Sea — temporary ooc

    Meanwhile marion is outwardly sweet but a bit petty beneath the surface.. hahah
  6. deskkar

    Realistic or Modern Come My Love, Be One With The Sea — temporary ooc

    Really loving all the descriptions for the supernatural crew member applications- also very fun to think about the potential dynamics between human and other species crewmates!
  7. deskkar

    Realistic or Modern Come My Love, Be One With The Sea — temporary ooc

    I agree histories are great for understanding character motivations and getting a better feel for them in your head! So I like to do them before most things but.. then.. putting it all into words... god I never know what to put in or leave out lol
  8. deskkar

    Realistic or Modern Come My Love, Be One With The Sea — temporary ooc

    Reallllll I was like I'll give a sprinkling and that's it
  9. deskkar

    Realistic or Modern Come My Love, Be One With The Sea — temporary ooc

    My character sheet is updated and alllllmost done (I believe)!! It's been fun getting to read everyone elses :)
  10. deskkar

    Realistic or Modern Come My Love, Be One With The Sea — the applications

    ----left---- ----name---- fas fa-chevron-down ----* * * name here---- Marion ----star/sparkle icon---- ----fontawesome icon---- ----* * * icon here---- fas fa-star ----name end---- ----details----...
  11. deskkar

    Realistic or Modern Come My Love, Be One With The Sea — temporary ooc

    I've got a character in mind and am thinking of doing cartographer or one of the lookouts!! Exciteddd
  12. deskkar

    Fantasy 𝐑𝐎𝐆𝐔𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐒 — High-Seas & Found-Family | 𝐀𝐂𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆

    See you guys are past the deadline for your second inflow but I'd be interested in joining and posting a cs for viewing at your leisure lol! If you plan on introducing new characters here and there as time goes on- count me in :)
  13. deskkar

    Realistic or Modern Come My Love, Be One With The Sea

    Love this! Interested :)
  14. deskkar

    Introduce Yourself!

    I'm deskkar! 24 any pronouns. I'm mostly joining as a nostalgia kick- having done a lot of roleplay on social media/forums years back and have always had a blast. I've been meaning to get back into roleplay and writing in general. Whether it's ocs or fandom stuff, I'm always willing to try new...