Search results for query: *

  1. desigoesbothways

    Hey! Sorry for the late reply, my power literally got shut off for like-- three days. Thanks...

    Hey! Sorry for the late reply, my power literally got shut off for like-- three days. Thanks for the warm welcome :D Current fandoms I'm into.... hmmm. Okay so definitely: Percy Jackson (just finished reading Heroes of Olympus - I'm in college and my roommate was personally affronted that I...
  2. desigoesbothways

    Other Why did you pick your name?

    I chose my username quite simply..... because i'm south asian and very very bisexual :P
  3. desigoesbothways

    Other Do you show your rp stuffs to non-rpers?

    Definitely agree. It's really crazy how stigmatized online rp is - I know if I told any of my friends I'd probably get a few sidelong glances and a "oh. that must be fun for you o.o" kinda response. It definitely goes in with the whole stereotype that all rp is sexual, which is definitely not...
  4. desigoesbothways

    Other How long do you think you'd survive in a zombie apocalypse?

    Okay so like, in the beginning of the outbreak, I could last a while (maybe). Someone weird approaches me, looking sick and confused, I'd carefully, calmly (or so I think), walk in the other direction. But then in the middle of it, I'd definitely be the terrified little hermit that I am, and...
  5. desigoesbothways

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hi! I'm desigoesbothways, or just desi for short (yes I'm actually desi - aka south asian, no appropriation happening here). I'm pretty much your typical busy college student, immersed in the unfortunate lifestyle of STEM majors. That being said, like a lot of my fellow STEM majors, I'm...