Search results for query: *

  1. AlexneushoornTheGreat

    Other Random question of the day

    Random question of the day: Have you ever had one of your birthday parties ruined by a family member making the party all about themselves for whatever selfish reason they saw fit?
  2. AlexneushoornTheGreat

    Other Random question of the day: The Discussions

    Ah, I see. I had no idea that it worked like that.
  3. AlexneushoornTheGreat

    Other Random question of the day

    Yeah, that's what I meant. And I get that nothing would change if the people on each side would be on the other side, but I figured that it would have a great impact on the outcome of the war.
  4. AlexneushoornTheGreat

    Other Random question of the day: The Discussions

    I meant as in what if the Allied countries like America, Britain, Soviet Russia etc. were the bad guys and the Axis countries like Nazi Germany, Japan and Italy were the good guys.
  5. AlexneushoornTheGreat

    Other Random question of the day

    Random question of the day: What would World War II have looked like if the Allies and Axis factions were swapped? (For discussion of this question, please use the discussions thread linked at the beginning of this thread.)
  6. AlexneushoornTheGreat

    Other Random question of the day: The Discussions

    @KAOS I saw this on a church sign in a Stupid and Weird Signs video on YouTube, which is what inspired today's question.
  7. AlexneushoornTheGreat

    Other Random question of the day

    Random question of the day: Is there good reason to be afraid whenever a sign post outside a church reads: "Don't make me come down there. - God"?
  8. AlexneushoornTheGreat

    Other Random question of the day

    Random question of the day: Would you rather walk a tightrope situated over a pit full of giant scorpions or go scuba diving in an undersea grotto full of large sharks?
  9. AlexneushoornTheGreat

    Other Random question of the day

    No answers yesterday. What a shame. Random question of the day: What's the strangest roleplay you've ever taken part in?
  10. AlexneushoornTheGreat

    Other Random question of the day

    Random question of the day: Is it true that the world has gotten more disconnected and anti-social in the last few years?
  11. AlexneushoornTheGreat

    Other Random question of the day

    Random question of the day: If a businessman says "It was pleasure doing business with you", does a prostitute say "It was business doing pleasure with you"?
  12. AlexneushoornTheGreat

    Other Random question of the day

    Random question of the day: If Nintendo ends up making another Punch-Out game in the future, should they add a feature where blood can be coming from the boxers' faces if you damage them enough?
  13. AlexneushoornTheGreat

    Other Random question of the day

    Random question of the day: Could humans get so much more done if days lasted 48 hours and weeks lasted 14 days?
  14. AlexneushoornTheGreat

    Other Random question of the day

    Random question of the day: What are some do's and don'ts when applying psychoanalysis into roleplays?
  15. AlexneushoornTheGreat

    Other Random question of the day

    Random question of the day: What are your views on the "next generation" trope in roleplaying?
  16. AlexneushoornTheGreat

    Other Random question of the day

    Random question of the day: Is the self-centered nature of the residents of fictional cities an accurate and fundamental depiction of the self-centered nature of the real life human race?
  17. AlexneushoornTheGreat

    Other Random question of the day

    Random question of the day: Is Regular Show deliberately a misleading name given how each episode goes from 0 to 100 and back to 0 again within a matter of time?
  18. AlexneushoornTheGreat

    Other Random question of the day

    Random question of the day: Is it true that an elephant never forgets?
  19. AlexneushoornTheGreat

    Other Random question of the day: The Discussions

    @Kaiju Cat I feel your pain, brother. I feel a mix of anger and sadness whenever a community I was part of for many years ends up shutting down. 😡😭
  20. AlexneushoornTheGreat

    Other Random question of the day

    Random question of the day: What do you do when a fan community you've been part of for many years ends up closing/shutting down?