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  1. EpiTome

    LAST person to post is the winner!!!

    I'm taking this win for a bit
  2. EpiTome

    Character Characters

    RPer’s Name: EpiTome aka Jess Name: Peony Tealeaf Race: Fae, Halfling Backstory: Peony Tealeaf left home at a very young age. Without her parent’s permission. As long as she can remember she has heard voices. One voice in particular befriended her when she was about three years old. It was kind...
  3. EpiTome

    Word Associations

  4. EpiTome

    Word Associations

  5. EpiTome

    Word Associations

  6. EpiTome

    Word Associations

  7. EpiTome

    LAST person to post is the winner!!!

    -returns cookie- thanks but no thanks, I just brushed my teeth
  8. EpiTome

    LAST person to post is the winner!!!

    I can win for a little bit. The eventual loss doesn't make it any less fun to be a winner even for just a second
  9. EpiTome

    LAST person to post is the winner!!!

    It's a good morning to be a winner
  10. EpiTome

    Other What are your guys’ favourite animal?

    Kitties!!! 😻
  11. EpiTome

    TV & Film What was the last movie you watched?

    Inside Out 2 😁
  12. EpiTome

    LAST person to post is the winner!!!

    I lasted an hour, that's better than I expected
  13. EpiTome

    Chitchat EpiTome is Bored

    Meh. I've had a good day I suppose. Maybe that's why I don't want to go to sleep yet. I don't want my decent day to end. Anyone else in a similar boat?
  14. EpiTome

    LAST person to post is the winner!!!

    Me? A winner? Oh joy! 😁 But for how long? 😬
  15. EpiTome

    Word Associations

  16. EpiTome

    Story Lumen and Carric Abandon Mirondra

    Some time ago I was attempting to write a book set in my fantasy world, Arcanoria. I have more written but I think this is a good bit to start sharing. If anyone is interested I may share more later. The sky was rich with color as the sunset over Southfort. Long, long ago Southfort was but a...
  17. EpiTome

    Multiple Settings EpiTome Would Like to RP

    Hey hey! I am interested in making friends and doing some fun rp together. I would love to start with more casual, one-off ideas. Then if we click we can get into more long term projects. I have never done much fandom stuff personally. That said, I'm not entirely opposed to creating OCs to...
  18. EpiTome

    Word Associations

  19. EpiTome

    Word Associations

  20. EpiTome

    Feedback requested Peony Tealeaf

    Peony Tealeaf left home at a very young age. Without her parent’s permission. As long as she can remember she has heard voices. One voice in particular befriended her when she was about three years old. It was kind to her. It shared knowledge with her. Nothing too extreme at first. First just...