Search results for query: *

  1. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

    He grumbled again and closed his eyes, resting his head into her lap. “Whatever you wanna do babe.” He mumbled, starting to fall back asleep, enjoying the quiet of the morning in their own house.
  2. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

    Will grumbled a little in the morning when he woke up to his phone pinging several times in a row and looked over to see max sat up and reading. “Why is Carmen texting me this early?” He grumbled, rolling in close to her and hugging her legs tightly.
  3. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

    Carmen frowned, going over to Keaton when he started looking worried, hugging him tight but let them stay there until he was being taken through to get prepped, finally taking the kids out the room to go get them something to eat. “Eden… you wanna get something here or McDonald’s or what?” She...
  4. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

    She sighed a little and nodded “don’t make me call him myself to force him to say yes cause you know I’ll do it.” She smiled. “Uh yeah… Noah’s alright…. Just in desperate need of a break. Even the weeks that they’ve been at home he’s been working himself to death either with bad omens or...
  5. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

    She shook her head and frowned a little. “I can’t think about it like that.” She told him quietly, squeezing his hand. “But I think you know that I love you; that even with all the shit we’ve gone through that I wouldn’t change you for the world.” She murmured. “We’ve got two great kids, who...
  6. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

    Carmen called her from her and Noah’s new place out in California, sighing a little. “Hey, how’s the move going?” She asked her, locking up the house and taking their dog with her up to bed. “I know it’s last minute, but any chance you fancy going on a weekend trip to vegas with me next weekend...
  7. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

    She frowned and gave his hand a squeeze. “Hey, relax okay? They’re just doing the pre checks okay? It’s gonna be at least half an hour to an hour before they take you in okay? Jolly is picking them up now alright?” She murmured, stepping to the side while they looked him over, texting anyone...
  8. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

    She waited til he had settled and finally got him up carefully and let him take his time to the car, heading out with him, holding his hand the whole drive there. “I’m hoping the kids can get up here before they take you in cause otherwise it’s gonna be a minute before they can see you.” She...
  9. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

    He frowned and shook his head. “Don’t stay up too late okay?” He murmured, leaning over and kissing her cheek before tidying up his plate and mess, finally heading to bed to get some shut eye.
  10. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

    He rolled his eyes a little and shook his head. “Remind me to not join our bank accounts until after Halloween.” He teased her, sitting back once he was stuffed, lifting up his tshirt and pat his stomach. “I think I need to go to bed.” He told her smiling. “You happy?” He asked, reaching for her...
  11. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

    She nodded as she listened. “Yep…. Absolutely…. Yes, thank you… thank you. We’ll be there soon as we can.” She told the person on the other end and finally hung up. “Neither of us are going to parent teacher conferences. I’m gonna get Jolly to go get the kids instead. Change of plans, we’re...
  12. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

    She frowned and shook her head. “I don’t think it will be more comfortable for anybody puppy…. Laura gave me a number for a couple places I can call for us to have round the clock care for you at home…. And I would rather you were at home with extra help than stuck in a hospital room where the...
  13. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

    He smiled and rolled his eyes. “Babe if you wanna go get Halloween stuff then go get Halloween stuff, just as long as the house isn’t covered in it all year round.” He told her smiling
  14. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

    She nodded slowly and watched him, stroking the cat when he came over to sit with her. “Okay, okay.” She murmured, leaning over and kissed the side of his mouth. “I want you to do the DNR and I know how that sounds but I have watched you do your best for us for so long and I want you to rest if...
  15. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

    He nodded in agreement. “You can get the wireless ones now too.” He told her quietly, kissing her cheek while he grabbed plates out for them. Just paper ones for now until they had time to go to ikea.
  16. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

    She moved her laptop to the side and went to sit on the floor next to him, taking his hands in hers tightly. “I spoke to Laura, she said she’s getting worried about your oxygen intake. It’s getting worse…. She thinks it would be better for you health wise to go to the hospital to wait for a...
  17. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

    He frowned but nodded and kissed her head. “Whatever you wanna do I’ll support it.” He told her quietly, getting up only when the doorbell went for the pizza and made a face. “Oh we’re gonna have to change that doorbell.” He chuckled, shaking his head.
  18. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

    She nodded slowly and frowned. “I need to have some tough conversations with him when he wakes up today.” She sighed quietly, rubbing at her face and went to sit in the lounge and do some work on her laptop just to be near him. She glanced over when she noticed he was awake around lunch time and...
  19. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

    He nodded and yawned a little. “Sounds good. Remind me what weekend your work trip is again?” He asked her, checking over his own schedule to make sure he was booked in for racing that weekend especially if she wasn’t around. He tried his best to schedule his racing days for when she was also...
  20. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

    She frowned and wiped his cheeks while Laura tactfully went to make some tea, shaking her head. “You’re not useless puppy. Never have been, never will be.” She murmured, kissing his forehead then tucked him in with some blankets. “Get some rest okay? Me and Laura will just be in the kitchen...