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  1. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

    He nodded and stretched a little before ordering their pizza for delivery, pulling her in close once she was sat with him again. “My mom is probably gonna stop by tomorrow. I told her we would be fine by ourselves but she’s insisting that she help.” He told her. “I think she’s just excited for...
  2. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

    She smiled and set her keys down before sitting on the edge of the bed. “He’s tired but I did let him stay up a little late last night watching that movie. Also he better not be pretending he was like the smoothest guy around cause I can’t even begin to tell you Laura just how awkward and shy he...
  3. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

    He shook his head. “Just towards that big window but I haven’t decided where it’s going.” He told her, “You’ll see tomorrow. No spoilers.” He told hee happily, “you think we should be done for the night?I can order us a pizza and then we can go straight to bed?” He asked, wanting to make sure...
  4. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

    She reached over, rubbing his chest in slow circles to try and soothe him a little. “We need to talk to them about upping your painkillers a little I think.” She sighed quietly, getting up when she heard Keaton downstairs. “Call if you need me okay? I’m gonna get them to school, Laura should be...
  5. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

    He smiled and nodded. “Sounds good. Oh! I got a really big package arriving tomorrow by the way, I’m gonna leave twenty bucks on the side for you to give them to get them to put it in that room themselves.” He told her.
  6. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

    She shrugged a little and took his hands to help pull him up, adjusting his oxygen for him that he now needed full time. “I slept. Might take a nap later.” She told him, moving the tray to his lap once he was settled. “You still sure that you wanna go to Edens parent teacher conference tonight?”...
  7. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Be Ready For Me

    He smiled as he sat down and leaned back, stroking dusty gently when she jumped up onto his lap. “Oh there’s my gorgeous girl.” He murmured smiling as he pulled max in close. “Oh ew you’re sweaty.” He teased her, not letting go though. He was in such a good place at the minute and thrilled with...
  8. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

    She nodded and gave his hand a tight squeeze, quietly hoping he was right. They let him go home a few days later and Carmen had decided to finally take a permanent step back from music to focus on spending time with her family. They had it good for the next couple of years with minimal incidents...
  9. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

    She frowned and shook her head. “God she’s definitely your kid.” She muttered, smiling a little. “She was mean to Keaton when they got back and pushed him over. So it’s clearly starting that she’s acting out with all of this again.” She sighed a little. “I will sort it though” she told him.
  10. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

    She nodded and got up to get him some, coming back and helping him get the straw in his mouth. “I don’t know that anything we do is gonna be very helpful right now either. So I’m gonna call the school tomorrow to have a meeting with them about everything.” She told him, sighing a little as she...
  11. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

    She frowned and shook her head. “I’m gonna go pick her up tomorrow. She’s gonna have the day off school and come see you then…. She’s very scared right now.” She told him quietly, taking his hand. “They’re gonna come run a couple tests in a minute, you want some water?”
  12. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

    She moved back out of the room and frowned at Eden. “Look at me.. the full answer is that I just don’t know, it could be today it could be five years from now or he gets the treatment and we get to have your dad around for another twenty years… I can’t make promises Eden.” She told her honestly...
  13. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

    She sighed quietly and frowned. “Right now we don’t know. They’ve done a temporary fix but he’s still gotten worse. And so he’s moved a little further along with his problems baby…. They’re gonna keep a real close eye on him though and do what they need to.” She explained He frowned and sat up...
  14. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

    Carmen frowned when she just refused and stayed by the wall so she went over to her instead. “Hey, I’m super duper hungry and thirsty, you wanna come with me for a minute?” She asked her, taking her hand when she agreed and she winked at Noah while they left. “I know you got school in the...
  15. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

    She smiled and nodded, getting his hair clipped out of his face for him. “I love you too handsome.” She murmured, moving the gray to the other side of the room for him before going to try and get him to at least stand for a minute. By the time the kids arrived with Nick she’d finally got him up...
  16. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

    She nodded and moved to sit where she could help him get the rest of it, “I’m alright puppy. He doing better once I can get you home.” She smiked a little, leaning over and kissing his cheek. “You remember the day everyone was told to get into lockdown? When I called you cause I was living on my...
  17. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

    She shook her head. “Not yet.” She told him quietly. “You not hungry or you just need a hand?” She asked seeing he’d had about half, taking a seat and rest hee head back against the wall, trying to ignore the pain her back was in. She did as much as she could to look after her own problems that...
  18. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

    She nodded and smiled. “Eat first though.” She murmured, kissing his cheek. “If you want a hand with anything just say alright? I’ll be back in a second I’m just gonna use the bathroom.” She told him, stepping in there and glancing at herself in the mirror, trying hee best to tidy up just a...
  19. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

    She nodded tiredly and smiled over at him a little. “Yeah, he’s picking them up in half an hour.” She told him, sitting up a little more when they brought breakfast in for him and she stood to stretch her legs a little “Good morning Mr. Davis, we’re gonna get you in for a couple tests to see...
  20. decadent-rider

    Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

    She shook her head and frowned, reaching over and stroking his cheek. “Shh, shh it’s alright, I’ve spoken to her okay? You rest love, no more talking til you’re breathing a little easier okay? Try to get some sleep. The kids can come up tomorrow.” She told him quietly, leaning over and kissing...