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  1. Squad141

    Fantasy 𝒯𝒽𝑒 ★ 𝐿𝒶𝓈𝓉 ★ 𝒲𝒾𝓈𝒽 (Magical Girl/Boy Roleplay) (Inspired by Madoka Magica) (Currently Only Accepting Witches/Warlocks/Magical Boys)

    This seems interesting, if a little full player-wise. Is it still accepting for Magical Boys?
  2. Squad141

    Fandom Latchkey Kids - Locke & Key [Open]

    That’s great! We’re looking for a third, so I’ll mention you in our OOC
  3. Squad141

    Fandom Latchkey Kids - Locke & Key [Open]

    Bump! This is still open.
  4. Squad141

    Fandom Latchkey Kids - Locke & Key [Open]

    Great! We’ll still be open to a fourth, but with three, I can start making an OOC and CS template. Be expecting those soon!
  5. Squad141

    Fandom Latchkey Kids - Locke & Key [Open]

  6. Squad141

    Fandom Latchkey Kids - Locke & Key [Open]

    To anyone wondering, my current goal is to get one or two more players, before we really this started process-wise.
  7. Squad141

    Fandom Latchkey Kids - Locke & Key [Open]

    Twins are certainly an interesting idea! I'm open to it at the moment, but the amount of players in this will be the final determination. Is that alright with you?
  8. Squad141

    Fandom Latchkey Kids - Locke & Key [Open]

    I'll allow any kind of Face Claim as long as it's not AI.
  9. Squad141

    Fandom Latchkey Kids - Locke & Key [Open]

    I think in the range of elementary school to high school is what I'm looking for. And glad you're interested!
  10. Squad141

    Fandom Latchkey Kids - Locke & Key [Open]

    No worries, this story is meant to work for people who barely even know what L&K is, so you shouldn’t worry too much.
  11. Squad141

    Fandom Latchkey Kids - Locke & Key [Open]

    Great! Got any questions? Oh, and what experience do you have Locke & Key if any, if you don’t mind me asking?
  12. Squad141

    Fandom Latchkey Kids - Locke & Key [Open]

    -- Fonts --> :>-- Tab Note --Click Tabs fa-solid fa-arrow-down-- Main ---- Icon Border -- -- Icon Box -- -- Icon Box End -- -- Icon Border End -- -- Title Box ---- Title Gradient -- -- Header Box End -- -- Tab Bar Background -- -- Tab Bar Background End -- -- Actual Tabs -- ------------...
  13. Squad141

    Fandom SBURB: Hereafter [Closed]

    And with that, welcome aboard, KAmber! That's our second time getting four members, and thus we're closing back down.
  14. Squad141

    Fandom SBURB: Hereafter [Closed]

    It would be best to know the mechanics of the story with HS, yes. Sorry if this is a barricade of any kind
  15. Squad141

    Fandom SBURB: Hereafter [Closed]

    For anyone else interested, a final spot has just re-opened!
  16. Squad141

    Fandom SBURB: Hereafter [Closed]

    Wonderful! We've got a merry band of four already, so I think I'll go ahead and close this for the time being.
  17. Squad141

    Fandom SBURB: Hereafter [Closed]

    Welcome aboard! The tags above are just those that I know were interested a while back, but like the post says, all are welcome.
  18. Squad141

    Fandom SBURB: Hereafter [Closed]

    The little children that slept long ago, away in the woods, at the top of the hill, and a good little bird that knew all about it came with a fennel leaf tucked in it's bill, Those poor little Babes in the woods; Hereafter is a SBURB roleplay for four people, who will be portraying four...
  19. Squad141

    Fandom Jojosapiens [JJBA]

    Hm. A little surprised this is gaining traction again.